Monday, September 1, 2014

Two Big Projects

Yesterday we tackled two large projects.

The mail box was moved.  We have a new 911 number and address.  We just moved our mailbox around the corner…but it involved getting a new fire number ($35.00) and a new address.  The driveway that we usually take to get the mail will be closed, snow removal will not be happening down that drive.  Our niece, Katie who used to live down that driveway moved to Minot North Dakota along with her husband Hunter, the twins Gavin and Jordan and Aubrey…we miss them.  No use plowing a whole stretch of driveway that no one uses. 

Far Guy has begun the change of address mess.  I am certain that I will never remember it so I have it written down in my wallet.

I started to remove the cheap ass insulation on the roof of my garage that was home to a dead mouse and a bat that was very much alive, and a chippy’s storage areas of acorns.  Good thing I am not afraid of bats.  What a job, I was covered in filth. Reinforcements came when my husband returned with next door neighbor great nephew Mason.  I had Mason don a mask and safety glasses…he was great at climbing up the ladder and ripping down the insulation.  When we had it all down, he and Far Guy built a stabber ( a nail on a stick) to aid in the picking up of all the pieces.  Seven huge garbage bags later we took turns using the leaf sucker upper to get all the small bits and pieces…mission accomplished.  Just let the chippys and mice try to make my garage a home now.

I was exhausted and I sweat so much that the sweat dripped from the ends of my hair…so I washed my hair and took a bath and put my jammies on.  Far Guy warmed up vegetable soup from the freezer for supper.

If we get company…so be it…they will have to look at me in my jammies.

Phlox at Trudys

Tall Garden Phlox in Trudy’s garden.

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  1. I will miss Katie's kids on your blog; I know you miss them. You guys have been busy and that is a job I know you are happy to be finished with. Enjoy the day.

  2. I love your descriptions of all the mess you were in. It must have been exhausting but rewarding to get it done. The Phlox is beautiful, and such a rich color with the white centers.

  3. Happy Labor Day, busy busy, but glad it's the Phlox, so so pretty.Blessings Francine.

  4. Boy does that ever sound like a messy job! You have every right to sit around in your jammies after you did such a good job, Connie. I'm glad it was you and not me, though. I don't mind bats but they scare me a little. :-)

  5. That address changing stuff is a real pain.

  6. Couldn't have done it if it involved a bat. I've woken up four times to one flapping around in the bedroom and I still jump when I hear an odd noise as I doze off.
    But all projects should definitely end in jammies!!

  7. It is good to get the mailbox thing done now. I hope it doesn't remain an empty house. The insulation thing was a good thought at the time but I know getting it down now is good too. Bats live down the street somewhere as I see them in evenings when walking Barney. We had a four inch rain last night and it just doesn't stop.

  8. Having to get a new address is not fun - I just had to do it 8 months ago. Also, I know how you feel about the insulation. Did that in my basement a few years back. Yup, used gloves safety glasses and a mask. We had mice in the basement. It stinks also. Hope today is a better day for you.

  9. Did you know you are not required to labor on Labor Day?!!
    Hurray, it's done and you are entitled to wear jammies when you have completed such an unpleasant job. Have a pleasant rest of the long weekend. :-)

  10. Congrats on your projects, especially the insulation. I don't mind bats, but the thoughts of one flying around my head makes me shudder, the same as the thought of mice or snakes around my feet.
    That is a very pretty Phlox, I have the same one! The Phlox are mostly finished here.

  11. Gosh, what a job that sounds like. Sure feels good to get to get a bath and relax after finishing something like that.

  12. ugh -that's a lot of work!

  13. I bet you slept like a dream. Sweat off your hair ends/? ugh

  14. Sounds like you celebrated the Labor Day Weekend in high style! Who cares about someone seeing you in your pajamas. Around here, kids drive into town and go for brunch or coffee in their jammies. No problem.

  15. I need a new mail box as the door fell off. You're inspiring me to get things done around here too although outside will wait until it cools down. Good for you guys and glad you got some help. I have none. Everyone around here is in such bad shape that I feel blessed. I carried the wicker rocker over my head to the porch happy I've kept my muscles up. I have a hard time getting up from the ground but my arm muscles are still good and back muscles too.
    Love the flowers and thank you for the flower and moth id. I knew you would're amazing with your knowledge and even latin names. I hope you had a great Labor feels good to labor and shower and jammies feel even better!

  16. Ah, there is nothing finer than getting down and dirty and/or sweaty, and then showering and donning comfy clothes.Congrats on a yucky job completed.

  17. Ugh. big dirty job! But hurrah, it's done!

  18. Ugh! I have three of those nasty types of jobs just waiting for me to get to them. But, as for your job! YAY!!!


  19. Oh Man! You deserved a long hot soak and I'd say jammies for a couple days! ;) So glad Mason helped you out.

    Changing your address is such a pain! You don't realize how many people and places need to know where you live...until you change your address.

  20. Nothing like a good shower and soft jammies after a hard days work!


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