Friday, September 26, 2014

Orange and not in a good way

We have been watching a stand of Pines the last few weeks.

Orange trees

More Orange trees

They seem to be turning orange all over. Will they recover and live…I am not hopeful.

Normal Pines

Here is what they should look like.  This is a similar stand just down the road.  Note the amount of needles turning color are toward the inside of the tree….not all over the tree.  Pines normally drop some needles every year in the Fall.

My best guess is that someone who knows who that might fly around in a helicopter spraying crops got his chemicals all mixed up, or there was a heck of a wind…just a guess of course.

If I were the property owner I would be pissed very angry.

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“One of the penalties of an ecological education is that one lives alone in a world of wounds.”   Aldo Leopold


  1. That's a lot of trees. I wonder what happened.

  2. Sure hope they weren't "sprayed" by mistake. A lot of our pines were damaged last year because of th cold and most made at least a partial recovery. Let's hope they come back. Have a great weekend.

  3. They do look damaged. I hope they come back and it was something reparable. Yes, that's an orange that is not good for sure.

  4. Morning, hoping the trees will be ok, sad if not. Blessings Francine.

  5. Trees are pretty resilient, but these look bad. In the Hill Country we had a virus that took out a large number of the beautiful live oak trees, and now they look all gray and gnarly. It's really sad to see trees damaged.

  6. Looks like Pine Beetle kill to me. We see that a lot in Wyoming. Beetles spread fast, so someone should be checking those out. You can only control them by cutting down the trees and wrapping in black plastic so the little buggers cannot get out. Spraying helps but its not the cure all. Welcome to Climate Change.

  7. It looks like the pine beetle damage here.

  8. We had a similar stand along our main highway and I thought they would be dead by the next year. But they did not die. I am not sure what it is but it must be a weather caused disease. I hope they do survive. The ones in Granger were like this on the majority of the trees and yet had green still on the other side.

  9. Our pines here are very stressed this year as well and indeed the needles on the ends are staying green. We just hope and pray we are past our pine beetle infestations and so far it appears the brown is truly stressed. You just never know.

  10. I was wondering about pine beetles, but a chemical mistake sure isn't out of the question either. Very sad.

  11. I'm thinking more chemical than pine beetle. I don't think you often see stands of trees affected by pine beetle all to the same degree at the same time. Hope the trees recover.

  12. I'm betting a crop duster got too close. The pines sure don't look health, I hope they recover. Keep us posted.

  13. That is strange to see all the pines dying at once. We have pine beetles and keep losing one pine after the other. Sure looks like those are dying.

  14. That is strange to see all the pines dying at once. We have pine beetles and keep losing one pine after the other. Sure looks like those are dying.

  15. That's what most of the forest looks like around here - pine bark beetle kill. I certainly hope that is not the cause of this browning because the beetles will move to oh her locations.

  16. So sad to see the trees so stressed and weakened. I hope they survive.

  17. ME TOO! Our pines are dying here from the Pine Beetle...huge lodge pole pines very ancient...dead because no one is doing anything.


  18. That's so couldn't be that spruce bug they have up in Canada? From the looks of it I think you are right especially if the other side is green. Love Aldo Leopold.


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