Monday, September 8, 2014


I never learned to play a stringed instrument.   I played trumpet and French horn in Junior High and marching band.   I did not continue into Senior Band because the Band Teacher was a a$$.

Far Guy taught himself to play guitar.  After his unfortunate carving knife accident it is impossible for him to play guitar…so he is teaching himself how to play the banjo.

Noah went to guitar lessons for years and recently bought a new guitar.



The newest teenager in the family is taking cello lessons.

The birthday Boy Adam


He can even play a few tunes that are recognizable!

Adam try not to smile

Here he is trying not to smile. 

We had a nice drive up north to deliver birthday cards. It was good to see the boys and get hugs.

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  1. The ability to make and enjoy your own music is a wonderful thing. I hope they both enjoy their instruments for a long time!

  2. I hope both Noah and Adam enjoy playing a musical instrument. That is such a cute picture of Adam trying not to smile.

  3. I never learned to play anything much, but years ago I bought a dulcimer and strummed it for awhile. I'd completely forgotten about those days until you reminded me. You have such handsome guys for grands. :-)

  4. Playing an instrument is such good exercise for the brain and the soul. It's good to see your good looking grandsons broadening their lives this way.

  5. Stringed instruments and pianos strike me as the perfect way to enjoy music.

  6. The cello is one of my favorite instruments :-).

  7. I love that my son plays the guitar. It is his GO TO when he's stressed. He has purchased a few guitars in Mexcio where they are made in Parecho? They are gorgeous. They are made by fourth and fifth generation luthiers. He has learned to Bargain for a good price since he is bilingual now!

  8. Morning, that's wonderful, love music of all kinds.blessings Francine.

  9. I envy those with a musical aptitude. Meredith had to take piano lessons until she was sixteen, and she stopped the moment she was allowed, and has not touched it since. Too bad, because of all of us, at least she had a bit of talent. Tried to do the same with David, gave in after a year or two as it was just too stressful trying to get him to practice, it was more work for me than him.

  10. The cello has the greatest sound. He could end up playing that the big bass too. Our boys were both wind instruments in jazz band. The did each take them with their instruments when they moved out. The married non playing wives so the wives had interesting reactions to their ability to play a horn.

  11. Wonderful, I have always wanted to learn how to play the string guitar. Must be wonderful to have a musical family.

  12. To be able to make music must be satisfying. They get their talents from Grandma!

  13. I'm glad the boys are still willing to hug you! Some think they are "too old" for that.

  14. You have been busy celebrating birthdays :) Musical instruments are wonderful ~ great job grandsons! (my family isn't very musical I played trumpet into high school until braces and lineman son played the drums for a bit).

  15. The cello looks hard to play. I would love to be able to play something! My daughter has started taking guitar lessons and loves it.

  16. I failed at piano. Tom never did anything musical, and neither did our son. Jill became quite accomplished on the flute. No strings here.
    I din't know about Far Guy's carving accident. Must have been serious.

  17. It's always nice to have music in the house. Nice shots of the kiddoes.

  18. I understand that 'good to get hugs' statement!


  19. What cute boys and what beautiful instruments. I never learned to play an instrument but I sang and I still sing a lot all day but no one hears me thank goodness!


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