Monday, September 15, 2014

Hobbies: Beads

A number of years ago Nellie, one of my very best friends in the whole world sent me a  bunch of bead supplies…she was done with it…kaput.  The Grand girls and I would sit around the desk at night and they would create bracelets and necklaces and beads would be dropped on the floor for Far Guy to vacuum up.

Needless to say, I added to the bead collection.  One day I admired one of Nellie’s bracelets.  She sighed and said “Cause I love ya like a sister I will make you one.”

bracelet closure

The bracelet has a beautiful closure. I love that I can wear it with anything…and I love how the beads (Japanese Delicas) feel next to your skin.


Nellie always said “I am going to teach you how to make that bracelet.”  WELL  she is coming up for a day later in the month. I must be on her bucket list!

I decided that since I am a slow learner I should try to figure out the Even Count Peyote Stitch.

After several tries…one with seed beads… I gave up.  Then I was walking down a street in Little Falls Minnesota and saw a Bead Shop and walked in.  I chose an assortment of blue/purple Japanese Delicas…the proper beads! 

I watched some videos…made some mistakes..and tried again.

Finally I think I have mastered the stitch.

peyote project

The big bead is a stopper bead.

beading stuff

As you can see the beads are itsy bitsy.  I am at the point where I need to add on another thread.  This project will probably be a should have been wider….this one is done with 12 beads.

As most of you know I do not like to sew.  This is sewing of a different kind.  Now at least I have some idea of the stitch involved to make the color block bracelet. Nellie is bringing all the supplies.  I can also get some help finishing off my project and adding the closure.  AND I won’t look like a total idiot!  Not that Nellie would care…I have known her since 1969, we used to live next door to each she already accepts me faults and all.

No I didn’t need another hobby…but I am enjoying this one.  

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  1. How fun that Nellie is coming for a visit. Love the bracelets.

  2. That is a beautiful bracelet. That is so nice that your friend is coming to visit and that she will help you with "beading". Have fun.

  3. Gads! Those are tiny little beads. My eyes would get tired pretty quickly, I suspect, if I tried to make something with them. That bracelet she made you, though, is really nice! Wonder how long it took her. :-)

  4. Very nice! I love the feel of beads too :-).

  5. I think you can do anything! I love the bracelet.

  6. Several of my neighbor ladies take a class on beading each week with a "pro". They make some really lovely things, certainly as good as some you might see in the stores.

  7. You sure are talented! You make so many things. I never heard of this beading craft. It must take a lot of patience and good eye glasses.

    Shirley H.

  8. Well yes. Interesting. But I've been downsizing some of my hobbies. We'll se. And speaking of hearing loss Mrs. T;s version of your comment is " Troutbirder has ' selective hearing.' :)

  9. super! i love both bracelets. beading is a hobby that i am going to teach myself. dealing with small beads is not my thing - its like crocheting with thin thread and a small needle. i dont want to strain my eyes. but i am going to give it a try. im happy for ya. cheers!!

  10. Impressive! Your work, and hers, look beautiful! I have never tried beading, but I love the feel of pieces that are done like that.

  11. Oh… and now I know the difference between seed beads and delica beads! I never knew.

  12. I always have to reread the directions to do peyote but once you get going it is slick isn't it! I do a lot with loom-less loom stitch, takes a bit longer but I can incorporate cross stitch type patterns easily. Love the patchwork in that bracelet!

  13. That's a beautiful bracelet.

  14. It's always fun to try something new, and even more fun when you are successful!

  15. You did a great job. I couldn't do little beads like that. They are pretty beads. Have fun!

  16. As you know, I spent time in original communities and was introduced to beads there. I have mukluks with bead work.

  17. Afternoon, what a nice bracelet, great job.Blessings Francine.

  18. Oooh my, this new hobby is divine! I love what you've done so far.

    My mother used to bead. She would take off her trifocals and bead without them. I don't have a clue how she did it.

  19. I would have to remove my glasses and put the work at the end of my nose to do that kind of work. I use to teach weaving to 5th graders on a cardboard loom. They turned them into bracelets.

  20. Nellie sounds like an awesome friend. You two should have a fantastic time beading away the day!!!

  21. Leah and I have dabbled in beading but never tried the seed beads. I'd have to have one of those big round magnifying glasses to see though!
    I love the colors you chose! I bet that bead store has classes, too, if you want to learn something else different after Nellie has gone back home. Having such a friend is a treasure!! You will enjoy every minute and the time will speed by too fast. Enjoy! :)

  22. My wife told me that she loved to make little bands to wear with a small beader platform that allowed here to choose colors and make different patterns. She said once that she would like to try it again sometime. It sounds like a great surprise Christmas present.

  23. Jewelry is one thing I have never dabbled in really until I made that crocheted necklace for my daughter which still isn't done. I suppose because I don't really wear any. I used to when I had my "career" but now with the arthritis I can't wear my rings, bracelets get in the way with my hands in water all the time etc. But I like it and appreciate it on others and your beading looks like fun! I always loved the Native American type beading and jewelry. Have fun with your friend!


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