Thursday, September 11, 2014

Road Trip

The weather is rainy, cloudy and cool barely 50 degrees F or 10 C eh! It was a good day for a road trip.  We originally had a destination in mind, but decided to just meander on Highway 71 South.

Wind Generator

We don’t see many of these Wind Turbines.   This one was someplace along Hwy 71 near Long Prairie.

Amish Country

The Clarissa/ Long Prairie area has Amish.  You can usually tell by the horse poop on the roadways.


We saw some baleage.  Hay that is baled at a higher moisture content and sealed in white plastic bags.

We ended up in Osakis…then over to Little Falls…visiting antique shops along the way.  Each one is interesting as are the proprietors..from a 1950’s wannabe to a little old lady with huge hair that was all her own…teased and I am certain hair sprayed to be stiff as a board.

Marbles have gone up in price.  The going price for marbles is 12 cents each.  It used to be a 10 cents. 


I only bought this small bag of marbles because of the shooter.  12 cents is a bargain for a shooter.


Three Polish ornaments and two Shiny Brites were purchased…40 cents each, a bargain I couldn’t pass up.

It was good to get away for a day.  We returned home just in time to warm up leftover lasagna for supper.  Cook once eat twice that is our menu plan this week.

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  1. Can't believe marbles are going up in price! Always love seeing the amish in their buggies. And then you found some Shiny Brites - a good day for you and Far Guy.

  2. It brings back memories to see those marbles. Although I didn't play, while I was playing jacks I watched the boys playing marbles. I loved the pretty marbles; we called them puries. :-)

  3. I'd love to visit and go antiquing with you! You find the neatest things.

  4. I've always had a soft spot for marbles. I just like rolling them around in my hand.

  5. Beautiful country to "road trip" in!!!

  6. Great finds! I don't think I've ever seen baleage. You so often teach me something new.

  7. Such a contrast between the windmill and the amish buggy. My husband has lots of marbles collected in jars, some of which I use in my glass vases for color.

  8. Hay that is baled before being totally dry here is called haylage. Most bales in our area are wrapped, whether it is hay, haylage, or silage, that way they can be stored outside in our wet winter weather.
    Sounds like a fun road trip:)

    1. PS. I've always wanted to say that us 'mature' Canadians are quite familiar with Fahrenheit temperatures, as that is what we grew up with. Bilingual that way, you could say!

  9. We finally got a storm last night and lots of rain and the cold front came through...Hallelujah! Your skies look like what I call "Thanksgivng weather"...I love anything that reminds me of home. I used to play marbles when I was a kid and had quite a collection. I have no idea what happened to them or my bottle cap collection. I had some "steelies" for shooters too. I need to keep an eye out for those ornaments. Those and bubble lights which I love. Good purchases!

  10. You had a fine day trip. Around here it's cook once , eat three times. That's too much!

  11. Cook once eat twice is a great game plan. We do it around here lots. I don't think I can ever get the hang of cooking for just two. Our freezer gets a real workout ;)

    We have a bunch of those wind turbines near here on the pass going toward the bay area. They are fascinating to watch...of course, something I can't generally do because we are driving on the freeway...

  12. I love days like you had - yucky weather but pretty things to see (and buy). You will have to get yet another Christmas tree!

  13. Frigging chilly here in Ontario today eh? lol ! Lovely photos ! I love lasagna YUMMY ! I love to cook ones eat twice leftovers always taste better to me lol ! We have wind turbines all over here as well as a solar farm . Lovely photos . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  14. Awesome finds!
    I mostly can't get hubby to stop at antiques shops. Kind of annoying sometimes. I like to just look.
    Have a wonderful evening. ♥

  15. Afternoon, love those Shiny Brites, great finds. Blessings Francine.

  16. It is good just to get out and go.

    Wonderful treasures you found.

  17. Great find on the ornaments. Still hot here -95. Harriet had a variety of tests at the vet today; hope to know more tomorrow. Will let you know.
    Have a good night. Love you guys.

  18. That is my favorite kind of road trip Ride and stop at interesting looking places. We don't do that much anymore. Shoot!

  19. That looks like a good way to spend a cold rainy day!

  20. How lovely. And I really like that Amish carriage.

  21. Amish, marbles and Christmas ornaments make me a lot jealous. The only antique place I can think of in our area is actually in Valley Junction in old West Des Moines. I bet if there were more there would be more shoppers. I guess the Brass Armadillo does count but I never go there. Maybe when I really retire I will go shopping. We are eating at Olive Garden tonight and lasagna is always on my order.


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