Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September Rainbows

We painted the garage entry doors and trim…three doors…another job that is hard on the shoulder.  They need some touch up…a storm came up before everything was dry….uffda…just what I want to do spend another afternoon painting. 
Far Guy is replacing my lawn mower blades, he was just going to sharpen them for me…but it seems I have worn them out.  We have had a good amount of rain lately and I am back to mowing once a week.
The storms brought rainbows.
Partial Rainbow
Partial rainbow
Double Rainbows
Two partial rainbows…I know the second one is hard to see
Rain this time of year is good for the trees…they need moisture to survive the winter.
Summer is officially over now…Labor Day has passed and all the Minnesota kids head back to school today.
Let’s see if I can get this right we have one grand in seventh grade, two grands that are Sophomores and one that is a Junior in High School and one that is on her first year at Northland Northwest Technical College.  Makes a Grandma feel kinda old.
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  1. Hello Connie....I am also getting some much needed rain. The temperatures are still in the high 90's. At least, the over 100 degrees are a thing of the, for this year. Beautiful rainbows !

  2. We haven't stopped getting the rain. I don't guess I'm really complaining. All it takes is one drought and you never complain about rain again. Still...

  3. We had a mix of rain and sun over the weekend. So glad the kids go back to school today, although that means more traffic on my street twice a day. I also will have to mow agin soon, as well as start mulching fallen leaves. Looks like Fall is starting around here.

  4. Yep, you can say that again, Grandma! Nice rainbow pictures. :-)

  5. Great rainbows, and you almost remembered correctly....northwest... I'm at northland. Have a great day!

  6. Our weather here in Massachusetts has decided that - nope! summer's not over!
    After a few evenings last week when we needed sweaters to ward off the chill, we've launched into a fresh round of 85-90 degree temps with matching humidity.

  7. I can relate, Grandma. We have one late grandchild who is only seven, so that makes us think we are younger.

  8. OLD ---Just wait until they start having their children. then you can say OLD-----
    I have 5 great grand boys and three are in school now.

  9. Speaking of which... I need to mow some grass here myself. But it is so hot out...

    I got two blade sets for the mower, I change one for the other when they go dull. Seems they last twice as long too (Ha!)

  10. Lovely rainbows and haven't you heard, you aren't getting older just the kids are? LOL

  11. DON'T forget to inform the Driver's Lic. place...both V and I drove with expired Driver's Lic. because the PO in PR will not delivery mail addressed to our street now that we have a PO BOX> ...Over a year late ... had to take written tests again...just missed out doing our driving tests..ugh...I studied and studied so I didn't "flunk"...missed one...on bikes vrs. cars; for us that's pretty funny... gn and v

  12. Good reminder, our blade may need sharpening.

  13. Lovely rainbows, always such a treat to see. Too bad the rain messed up your paint, though.

  14. No rain here in California. Have you ever taken a bath with Epson Salt? It really helps a sore body.

  15. We had rain today too and grateful for it. Love your rainbows and glad I'm not the only one working away! LOL!
    You should be very proud of your grandchildren....you're not old. You just painted the garage doors today!

  16. It seems for every dry day, we have three or four rainy days to accompany it. Love your photos of the rainbows. Did you find your pot of gold?

  17. I still have one small paint job to finish. Prepping is what takes the time.

  18. How glorious to be able to catch a double--even if they are only partials. Yes, the twin shows up quite well.

    Mowing shouldn't be quite so much of a chore, once those blade replacements get put in. Hope that will make it easier for you :)

  19. So summer has pulled the switch on you guys...do you have snow yet?

    No I am not kidding...snort.


  20. Those rainbow shots are gorgeous! We're having some balmy weather along with chilly mornings. Autumn is definitely on its way.

  21. Apparently we had a torrential rain storm in north Seattle this afternoon that caused flooding. It was sunny here.We did have a bit of rain on Saturday, kind of a gray drizzly day that made us all realized summer was winding down.
    My two grands start school tomorrow, fourth and sixth grades. We went to an open house in their new school this evening to see their classrooms and meet their teachers. For the first time they will not be going to school where their mother is teaching, a big change. But they are now in their neighborhood school after having moved last November.



  23. I still have a painting plus scraping job to do. The summer is going way too quickly for me.

  24. I hope you got your painting done before the next rain. We had rain here again last night and expecting a thunderstorm tonight. Great rainbows. No trouble seeing both of them. :) You have every reason to be a proud grandma! :):)


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