Sunday, August 31, 2014

Lavender and Yellow

The Asters are blooming amongst the Goldenrod.

Field of Asters and Goldenrod

This CRP Conservation Reserve program) field.  It is not a Native Tall Grass Prairie…why?  Because I can recall crops in this field…Oats I think or Wheat.

Lavender and Yellow the colors of Fall flowers.   Fall is in the air, the nights are crisp and leaves are turning.  Leaves are finding their way onto the lawn…we have a few acorns but not many.

Cup Plant Silphium perfoliatum

The Cup Plant or Silphium perfoliatum is in bloom everywhere. One last sunny hurrah before summer is over.

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  1. Sure made for a short summer.


  2. Beautiful yellow flowers. I'm ready for fall. Sort of. :-)

  3. So nice to see those last flowers hanging on at the last of summer. Some of mine would like for me to stop watering so they can just expire!

  4. Fall is creeping into this area, too. I've smelled it on the night air for about a month, and now the temps are beginning to dip more at night.

  5. Lavender, mmmm, I think I can smell them already.

  6. Great fall color combination. The leaves the were damaged in the summer are certainly dropping. we have a few leaves turning color but it won't be long before they start falling at a rapid pace.

  7. What a pretty field. And tomorrow is September already. How did that happen!??

  8. Well, for whatever reason, those two plants in that field certainly made for a pleasant photo.

    Enjoy your last days of summer...but hurry! ;)

  9. I love Goldenrods! We don't have as many this year and I had not thought about it until seeing your post. I like to pick a bunch for the front porch. I read what you wrote about "stuff". You sure get a lot done! I am a list maker too. Just can't be without my list to look at.

  10. We have goldenrods here and Rabbit Brush...and I am huge fan of both!

  11. I think you're right. Fall is upon us. Let the sneezing begin--LOL!

  12. Lucky you! I love crisp air and frosty mornings and the colors of Fall but we're just now having summer heat. The leaves are turning and falling but we had a great cooler summer except for the last 2 weeks when it heated up.
    Hopefully it will get cool soon. I have work to do outside but not when it's in the 90's! LOL!
    Lovely live in a beautiful area.


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