Thursday, August 21, 2014


Ahh-choo it is the yellow and purple time of year.


This is Liatris pychnostachya or Prairie Blazing Star.  It blooms from the top down. 

Butterfly and Rough Blazing Star 

This is Liatris ligulistylis or Rough Blazing Star.  It looks like little bouquets on a stem.  I just happened to catch this Monarch Butterfly by happenstance.

Liatris both types are tall grass prairie plants that are native to Minnesota.

The Goldenrods are blooming everywhere.  There are many different varieties this year and more Goldenrod than I have seen in years.  It must have been all the rain and cool weather in June.

Stiff Goldenrod  or Solidago rigida

Solidago rigida or Stiff Goldenrod


I am unsure what the REAL name of this Goldenrod is… I hope I have good enough photos of the foliage to identify it…if not I will have to go back to Ashley’s Road!

Far Guy is still struggling with a is an on again off again relationship...he started taking his allergy pills again.  He finally got his at home oxygen and uses it when he exercises or whilst he cuts down Tansy…a beautiful yellow flower that has taken over the wild gardens.  He first got a sore throat after a long trimming session.  He uses the oxygen at night too…we don’t know if he needs it at night or not yet…they have to run some more tests.  He wears it at night but invariable rips it off…he says some nights the tubing almost strangles him.  His oxygen tank supply gal is a real crank…even worse than me.  Her customer service skills are lacking….you can tell she doesn’t like her job.  She rolls her eyes and shakes her head when you ask a question and says “I don’t have time for this.”  I don’t think she will last long.  Just for the record I have not complained about her yet.  BUT one of these days she might get on my last nerve.

I am feeling better, almost normal but still tired…I was low on potassium so now I am taking a potassium tablet and trying to eat potassium rich foods.

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  1. Glad to hear Far Guy got his at-home oxygen. Lung problems are no fun. Tom goes to Pulmonary Rehab twice a week at the hospital. Don't know if that is a possibility for far Guy. The supervised exercise helps to keep his oxygen levels up. Fortunately for Tom, he doesn't need to carry oxygen. Some of the other Pul. Rehab clients do.

    1. He did about 16 sessions or eight weeks at Pulmonary rehab. He went downhill with their program, which in our small town was managed by the cardiac rehab people. When he started he didn't need O2 during exercise and about week four he did...I have no idea why? No one could answer that question either. I have a theory...but then I am not a Dr. :(

  2. Sure hope Far Guy isn't getting another cold. And So very happy to hear that he got his at-home oxygen. The way I toss and turn I could not wear any type of mask at night either. Will send positive healing energy his way.

  3. Sorry to hear about that cold Far Guy got. Maybe it will be over and gone with quickly. Goldenrod makes me sneeze, all right. Even the pictures feel a little sneezy. :-)

  4. Your photos are lovely and I hope both of you start feeling better soon. I can imagine sleeping with tubing around you would indeed make you sleep worse for fear of being strangled.

  5. Your photos are lovely! As for the person with no skills in the service to others department, how rude!
    My husband used to say if they don't like their job, why not find another one and let someone with people skills take over.

  6. I wonder what it is with the O2 reps. John's cpap suppliers are the unhappiest folks on earth. I hope the O2 will help FG. I am allergic to golden rod - it makes me sneeze like crazy. I do hope you both feel better soon. Enjoy the day.

  7. Just looking at the pretty flowers makes my eyes water and nose runny.

    Maybe FarGuy needs one of those face masks that they wear in hospitals to wear while hacking down the weeds... In fact, maybe I do too!

  8. A couple of the people who delivered my oxygen or cranky and unhelpful, too. They didn't last long. I'm glad Far Guy is using the O2 when exerting himself and at night. Try looping the tubing around the bed post first so it's out of the way while sleeping.

  9. Oh, I hate allergies! Love that purple flower!

  10. I am so glad to hear an update on FG. Does he wear a mask outside during yard work? I hate to but it does make a difference in reducing symptoms. I actually thought about wearing a bandana like a bandit instead because the mask fogs up my glasses but don't think the bandana would help as much. It would seem like the oxygen companies would recognize their competition and step up their customer service. Probably your pulmonologist will be able to explain why his lung health has declined so much after they complete all his tests.

  11. Oh my goodness- I think I would complain before she thinks y'all don't mind her attitude and just keeps getting crankier. My granddaughter was here yesterday, home sick with bronchitis on the third day of school. The doc told her daddy that this cool summer is the cause. I hope you and FG both feel better soon.

  12. I never thought about there being a number of variety of golden rods. Our golden rods are pretty much finished growing.

  13. Golden Rod and Ragweed hasn't come out yet it is late this year . It is the Ragweed that most people are allergic to here in Ontario . I do love the wild flowers though ! I hope you both get to feeling better soon . Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  14. Golden Rod is one weed that I wish we didn't have to contend with in the hay fields! Hope Fall Guy is able to kick the bug that won't leave him! Your last nerve is overdue to blow!

  15. It is indeed a gorgeous time of the year on our native prairies. I love all of it. Not so much the lumberjacking, chainsawing and hauling I've been doing for several weeks with little time for blogging. We lost seven huge oaks in our woods this summer that I had to remove. Ugh!

  16. beautiful pic. i wish far guy and you a much speedy recovery. have a restful, peaceful weekend. cheers!!

  17. Well, as far as monarch butterflies go, you couldn't have planned that special appearance any better! What a great shot!

  18. I love seeing liatrus and goldenrod as wild flowers!
    The oxygen tank woman may find she is relieved of that job she doesn't seen to like.

  19. Your respiratory home care person sounds abominable. breath breathe breathe

  20. There's just no excuse really... I'd complain :-/.

  21. Your respiratory home care person needs to move on with her life and allow a person to have her job AND HER PAYCHECK that loves helping people and cares if they are feeling better!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


  22. I hope FarGuy is feeling better. And you, too.
    Hayfever season is upon us already? Shouldn't be a surprise, I guess.
    Hope you have a nice, calm weekend with a lot of rest and Chance time. ;)


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