Saturday, August 23, 2014

Sit a Spell

How long is a spell anyway?  Half an hour or half a day? 

Red Pelargonium

Red Pelargonium

Ack red is horrible to photograph.

Red is horrid to photograph

Most of it is best left as an impressionist painting.  All photos are from Bergeson Nursery August 2014.

Twig Chair

We had company this week…Alaska Guy spent an afternoon with us. It required sitting for a spell.  Alaska Guy is doing well and will retire in February, it seems the United States won’t allow pilots to fly commercially after their 65th birthday.  He still isn’t married but he has a gal.  I knew him before I knew Far Guy…so I have known him practically forever…since I cannot remember when I didn’t know him. ( We lived near each other growing up) He loves to fly and related to us how his first flight was with his Dad and Neil Chilton with a take off in a nearby field …Neil was an Air Force Pilot with his own small plane.  Alaska Guy said “ When he banked over the lakes it felt as if I might fall out of the plane.” Any normal kid would have been scared to death…not so much Alaska Guy.

Sit a spell

Far Guy’s Uncle Archie visited one afternoon too.  He is back living at the farm full time.  He is always busy cutting wood and tending the garden during the summer and helping out his adult children.

I hope you had time this week to sit a spell and visit with some special people in your lives!

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  1. I love those chairs. Not sure what adjective to just - they are not made of twigs so they can't be twig chairs. Stick and log chairs? Anyway, love 'em and I think my garden needs a pair for sittin' a spell.

  2. I remember my grandpa saying "sit a spell!" I enjoyed our block party last night. Sat a spell and met some lovely young couples, a couple of cute little fellas' and a puppy!

  3. I have a sign that says, "Sit a Spell" in my kitchen. My mother used to say that phrase all the time.

    Love the photos from the gardens!

  4. You did a good job of capturing the pretty red, especially that last one. I love those chairs too. I looked at them for a spell. :-)

  5. I thought the red came through beautifully. My grandparents always took a minute to sit a spell in the afternoon at 3 for tea...the rest of the world just stopped.

  6. I sit a spell every Friday and Saturday at the VC. I'd rather sit a spell outside. ;)

  7. It looks like that is about all we do now is sit a spell--- just getting older by the minute .
    Great photo's love the red.

  8. Why is red so hard to photograph? I have the same problem. Guess I need a fancier camera lens or, most likely, lessons :0)
    In this world of instant everything, more people should just sit a spell.

  9. More people should take the good medicine of sitting for a spell.

  10. I may have to abandon home and hearth and travel over hill and dale the gazillion miles you are away from me just so I can sit in those chairs and admire your flowers in person.

  11. I love how your reds came out so true!!

    I am sitting a spell right now!!

  12. No time to sit a spell right now, but I did plenty of that over the summer. School is back in session and so much work to do with less staff due to budget cuts this year.
    The pictures from the nursery are lovely, looks like the best place to sit a spell!

  13. Isn't it nice to have time to sit - and for as long as you want! That is another blessing of retirement. About Alaska Guy enjoying his flight at a young age, I just read "Cure for the Common Life" by Max Lucado. He talks about God putting our interests for our adult vocations in us at an early age. For those contemplating a new vocation, he says to think about what you really enjoy doing most in life and then "find" a job that will allow you to do that.

  14. i have been practicing sitting a spell quite a bit this last full week of August. Can't think of a better way to spend it.

  15. Hmmm...didn't know that about commercial pilots. Seems I'm forever seeing something in the newspaper about another octogenarian pilot, but I guess those would be private pilots, not commercial. Will have to ask my commercial pilot brother in law. Who knows...maybe he and Alaska Guy know each other :)

    Great photo of the chairs and blooms. You really got a lot of mileage out of that nursery visit.

  16. Beautiful flowers great post. ♥

  17. I don't know how long a spell is either!! But I do know as time goes on...the 'spells' are getting longer!! Have a great Sunday!!!

  18. What beautiful flowers and chairs! I don't guess you should keep track of time when you're sitting somewhere so lovely and with friends :-).

  19. What a lovely spot to sit a spell. Not sure how long that is...just till you feel peaceful and relaxed and rested, I guess. ;)
    I'm afraid of heights and never would have gotten up in that little plane to begin with--LOL! ;)

  20. I thought maybe I had visited there, looked it up, and not I had not visited there. The chairs are very welcoming and it it were cool weather, I would like it. I am not a big fan of geraniums, ha !!!, They look great and I bet it was a fun place to visit.

  21. I finally get to sit a spell and get caught up on my blogs!!!


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