Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Pin Cushions and Pants and Tattoos

I bet you cannot tell what is on my mind?

A young man walks down the street with the crotch of his pants to his knees…with various colors of underwear showing and his hat on backwards.  I bet he doesn’t have a job.  He probably has some of those black do hickeys stretching out his ear lobes too. 

Why is it that the younger generation likes the pin cushion look?  Holes and earrings in their eyebrows, noses, navels, lips, tongues and only the good Lord knows where else.

Then the tattoos.  It used to be only men in the Navy got tattoos and they were heart shaped wreaths of flowers on their upper arms with a banner that said “Mother” or “Sweetheart”  or anchors with names.  I never dated a boy with a tattoo.  Then it became popular for anyone in the service to have a tattoo…often they were acquired after a night on the town being in a drunken stupor. 

Now everyone seems to have a tattoo…we saw a kid in line at Wally World and someone who was not very artistic hacked up the back of his leg with ink…it was rather comical. Far Guy asked me what it was…I turned my head every which way to try and decipher it…with no luck. I should have just asked “Which tattoo artist botched up your leg and what was it supposed to be?”

We saw some of these pin cushioned, tattooed, saggy pants persons tossing a baby in the air the other day…I mean way in the air…Far Guy and I both shuddered. Remember that old game called “Hot Potato” ?  Must be a new game called “Hot baby”…it was one time I did not have my camera along.  

Kids have too much money and too much time on their hands and parental units that are off in la la land IF they have them..if they live with them.

I wouldn’t want to be a parent now a days… I never had to worry about beaus with saggy pants…I would have pulled up the pants and drawers in one fell swoop and then called his Mom or Dad.  The girls each had their ears pierced when they were about 10 years old… they would be able to tell you exactly when.  If they would have come home with more piercings I would have grounded them for months…and a tattoos well those were for men and hoodlums and not for proper young ladies.

Lately I am seeing beautiful young brides that are only beautiful until you see the tattoos going up and down their arms…uffda…some of them look like they could be in an old side show called the tattooed lady..only there is no admission.

Times are a changing…but not for the better.

I do have one question…if you have one of those nose rings and it is 40 below zero and your nose starts to run..does the snot collect around the ring and then drip off when it warms up?  I bet it would hurt if someone accidently pulled one of those suckers out too.

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  1. Husband and I were just talking about this yesterday. On the one hand, I remember in the 1970s my mother telling me that in her day a girl with pierced ears was considered either a gypsy or a floozy. So we could dismiss this as one generation's too-conservative dismissal of the younger set.
    However! Forty years ago we weren't defacing our bodies with anything as permanent as arm-length tattoos that will still be there on sagging skin in the nursing home. And the huge circles stretching ear lobes just make me cringe.

  2. Hubby and I have had many a discussion about todays younger generation and neither of us is too pleased with their decision on dress, piercings and tattoos. But as mentioned above I can remember my grandparents criticizing my generation on the way we dressed. It's more the defacing and disrespecting of their bodies that I object to.

  3. Some of the tattoos are pretty discreet, but many are "in your face". I always wonder what they will look like when these young folks get older and the skin starts sagging a bit. Probably not so nice! I did hear that a tattoo at the arch of the spine is called a "tramp stamp". That's your tattoo language for the day.

  4. The sagging skin in the nursing home is the best description. But most of them won't make old age.

  5. My niece is covered with tattoos and it took me some getting used to, but as I visited with her, they became much less intrusive. The young kids are always trying to find something to gross out the old folks, and they sure have done that for us, haven't they? Those sagging pants are just laughable, though. :-)

  6. Tattoo's are defiantly not my thing either and some get quite over baring with them. I guess to each his own! I can't even imagine kissing someone that has a pierced tongue! The thing that I think is disgusting is the ears that have these huge gauges in them. I remember in college, the professor, would not let anyone in the room that you were able to see their butts or their underwear.

  7. I love it when you get wound up on a subject like this! I feel exactly the same but cannot put it in writing as well as you. When I see a girl covered in tattoos I wonder how she will look and feel when she is my age. Picture old wrinkled tattooed arms holding a sweet new great grandchild. Sickening! And, the baggy big pants and underwear being held up by the crotch turns my stomach! You've got me fired up for the day! :)

  8. Oh yeah, nursing homes are going to be interesting when the tattooed generation takes up residence. . .

  9. We have a new middle school principal at school who always wears long sleeved shirts year round. I saw him this summer and he is tattooed from shoulder to above the shirt cuff line with patterns and stuff all around his whole arm. He will have to live with that the rest of his life. I guess when they do interviews they should require skin shots with the application. Mr. Miller is a very nice man. I just can't understand what he was thinking. When I was full time teaching I would kid some of the kids about changing their underwear everyday as I was tired of seeing the same one three days in a row.

  10. I think buying stock in a tattoo removal company might be quite lucrative as these walking billboards reach maturity! They are getting the attention they seek, aren't they?

  11. I suppose it's this generation's form of rebellion, but it sure isn't easy to look at! I'd be too chicken to be tattooed, and I've never seen one that I'd want. I guess I'm getting old...

  12. Times are changing as they always do. If someone dressed like King Henry the 8th, I'm sure we'd take more than a second look. Now that's 500 years ago. Tattoos? Piercings? Not for me!

  13. I'm cranky right along with you on those tattoos and pants that hang below underwear! I heard the origin of that is prison-garb, where no belts are allowed so pants don't stay up. In Fargo at a gas station, I saw a guy with the waist of his pants completely down below his hip-line- How could he walk? And it was rude to everyone who saw him. Might as well just wear his underwear alone, it was the same. Maybe I should start calling the police for public indecency- think that still exists?

  14. Oh you had me laugh snort at the nose ring drip LOL!!! We used to put rings on pigs noses so they wouldn't root the ground. Ya well I am sure the future will be bright as you'd think some common sense kids will survive. (crossing fingers).

  15. John and I had this same discussion earlier today. We were at Walmart. We were saying that we know what our dads would have said/done to us had we looked like that!!!

  16. I work with a girl who has a big tattoo across her back. It was inspired by a William Morris design (a very popular walllpaper and fabric designer) and is rather pretty. But it does creep out of her sleeveless tops in summer and I confess I don't like it very much. Nose rings - yes I've pondered the snot problem too. I bet they get pretty grotty when you have a cold.

  17. I'm still laughing at your last question! Gross! lol! I agree with what you've said here. The pants worn so low that I don't know how they walk is just so ridiculous! Do they know how silly they look? And the tattoos...sigh. I don't know what they are thinking!

  18. I'm with you...those 'sleeve' tattoos are just the worst. Heck they are all bad...and it seems everyone has one.


  19. When my son was young I told him...clothing-can be changed...piercings-jewelry can be removed and become hardly noticeable...hair-grows back...but tattoos are forever or hell to remove so I didn't want him to get any tattoos until he was of legal age and could do as he pleased. I offered to spray his hair green. He declined. Was quite conservative, actually. ;) I saw Justin Bieber on TV a while ago and the whole time I was waiting for his pants to fall down. Wait till he has to watch himself in all his droopy-drawer glory when he's 50...if he should live so long. Cracks me up! And imagine all the wrinkled, tatted old ladies there will be in the nursing homes one day--LOL! ;)

  20. You took the words right outta my mouth on the subject of tattoos. Those round hole earrings that stretch the lobes...I saw a 20 something yr old man at a restaurant once without the earrings and his lobes were stretched out and flopping around..and I wondered..was he happy with that now? Don't even get me started on saggy pants.. uffta!


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