Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December First

I do declare that the Christmas Season has begun..but only because the calendar says so.. the stores began their Christmas season in August..they better dust off that stuff they have been trying to sell since August.. either that or put it on sale. Who wants to buy dusty old crap anyway.

I would just as soon hibernate until New Years Eve.. that's right I could sleep from the night before Thanksgiving until the eve of the New Year no problem. If I didn't have children, that have children I would totally "ignore the hype" that goes with these holidays.

I just want an old fashioned Christmas, all homemade gifts, someone playing the piano and singing, stringing popcorn and cranberries to put on the tree, reading the Christmas Story out of the Bible by candlelight, going for a sleigh ride. I know, I know I was born 100 years too late. It kind of sucks, everyone else loves these holidays, I am the odd person out, my girls are quite used to my complaining, they tune me out over the holidays... Far Guy too. Yup, I must be related to Scrooge.. I must be his sister.

I believe that my girls always say "Mom and Dad are having Christmas" because they know that if it is at their house I won't drag out even one decoration. Don't mind me..I will plug along through the holidays..I will entertain you with some stories..I will show you some of my Christmas tree ornament collection, it is way to large to be shown in one year...last year I just scratched the surface. I will slowly decorate for the Christmas Holiday. With the emphasis on slowly..

So are you brave enough to meander along with this blog for the next 24 days? Misery loves company.. To my youngest daughter..who will call every day until the tree is up..cause "You know you have to get that tree up before we get there." It is only December first..I still have time:)


  1. I'm with you on not liking all the commercialization and craziness. I feel like a total weirdo that I'm not running around to all the sales. Our family doesn't really do gifts except to little kids and there aren't any little kids. I'm looking forward to doing Christmas music with the church choir and packing up a care package to send to my son. That's about it.

  2. Oh me too! I am with you! Trouble is I leave all the shopping to the last moment. This year I am going to start making things on Dec 26th. HA!

  3. I have always loved the holidays. But as I get older the season has lost so much pizzaz. For me when I was growing up we didn't get much but we were so proud of what we received we were set for another year. It was a time in my life for me to escape from my home-life and be dreamy and the festivities danced in my head. Now it is all reality. Now I spend the time alone except for the Christmas visit I make to my daughters a week before the holiday.

  4. I agree with you. And it gets worse every year. Yesterday I asked my daughter if they were driving down for Christmas (because if they are I have to put up a tree). No company, no decorations! But I would love to have an old fashioned Christmas like you described. THAT would be great.

    The Duchess

  5. I have been looking forward to this. Reading your scrooge thoughts is going to be more fun than any party or celebration. I can't believe I have finally met someone who sums up my thoughts exactly. I am a Scroogette too. You are my hero. This is going to be a fun ride. Regardless of the pressure, I am not putting up a tree, a light, or one piece of tinsel. Let everyone else do the work at their place and I will enjoy theirs. I am boycotting the crowds too. Yes I am ready to meander along in your misery.

  6. Oh! Yes! I want to see your collection! I do I do I DO!


  7. Well! Looks like you have quite the fan club already. May I join? I also will not put up a tree or one piece of tinsel, although I will give out presents to a few choice friends. They are not expensive gifts, but I do like to find things at the local co-op or Farmers' Market and have to give them to somebody. It's good for the local economy, too. I can't use that stuff all alone!

  8. I will be here with you. Maybe you will inspire me.

  9. We all need the Christmas Scrooges, Scrooges Sister, Scrooges cousins etc.... It wouldn't be Christmas without them! I agree sometimes the preparation is way too much - Happy Holidays neighbor!

  10. I'll hibernate with you, okay!!

  11. looking forward to the collection.

    btw, we feel as you, but we gave up the concessions to the season a while back.
    the thing of it is that your post
    put us in the mood to decorate for Christmas.


    is this weird or what?


  12. LOL! Good for those kids of yours... encouraging you to feel festive! (Although I hate the over-commercialism...)

  13. We won't be putting up a tree this year. We will just enjoy the spirit of Christmas and share precious time together rather than getting tired out dragging out the decorations. I wish we did have kids/grandkids but at least no one is complaining about lack of holiday spirit!!!!! Harriet's only complaint is not enough green beans!

  14. Why is wanting an old fashioned Christmas so wrong? My sister suggested giving only re-cycled gifts i.e. used books etc. That means everyone would get used books! It may work with my family, as the youngest grandchild is 10 and very non-materialistic. But my hubs side....lol!

  15. Where I do sign up for your Scrooge Sister's Fan club. I long for the "good old " days when Christmas didn't start until after Thanksgiving and Christmas wasn't all about how much stuff you got or how expensive it was but it was about celebrating Christ's birth and the spirit of giving to those less fortunate.

  16. Are we related? It seems that we have a lot of the same views and feelings. Even have the same type of dog. I love your blog and your honesty. Good for you.

  17. I am having a tree for the first time in about 10 years ... I usually just grab some branches off a tree in the grove and decorate them (if at all). I don't go "BIG" anymore. But this year, Norm found a small tree so I'm going to decorate it with some of my decorations. Last year I cleaned out my old stuff and gave them to the girls. So I have a few treasured and a few new things.

    I hate the commercialization of Christmas too ... I, also, was born 100 years to late!

  18. You and I were separated at birth.


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