Friday, December 11, 2009


"Last week the candle factory burned down. Everyone just stood around and sang Happy Birthday.”... Stephen Wright 

It has been a bit of a milestone type of week for several people that are special to us.

First of all a small child was born in New York City..a much awaited first Grandchild to one of my best friends. I told the new Grandma to think positive..Sadie Magnolia  doesn't sound real New Yorkie to me I am sure that she will become a Minnesota gal!!   My friend will be 60..and she is just now a Grandma for the first time ..I was a Grandma when I was 45.  So she has some serious Grand mothering to do! Since she only birthed male children..this little girl is a very special person that is entering her life. Will Sadie ever know how much she is loved?  When she is older..when I meet her I will have to tell her..that her Grandma was pee your pants excited for months before her birth..she ought to remember that!!

Far Guys Auntie Esther was ninety yesterday..we went to town for a gathering of friends and family for cake and coffee. It was a great turn out, after all the golf course is shut down for the winter! Ninety years..not everyone makes it to that milestone! She reads my blog everyday..she is probably my oldest reader! Yes, she is a computer savvy ninety year old! Don't that beat all! Many people her age wouldn't even try to navigate around the Internet.. way to go Auntie Esther!

Milestones reached..what are you reaching for?    I am reaching for several things..several dates..December 20, December 25, and December 28 ..all milestones for me/us.   December 20 will mark forty years of wedded bliss, December 25 marks a two year Trigeminal Neuralgia diagnosis for Far Guy,  that was a gift that kept on giving.. (not all milestones are pleasant) ..and December 28..two years of blogging for me:)


  1. Wow, December is packed with milestones for you, Connie! Congratulations on 40 years with Far Guy, and especially congrats on two years of blogging!! That other one I'll skip over, since I don't know what it is but it sure sounds scary!

  2. Hi Connie, Congrats on your upcoming anniversary, both your wedding & your blog! That's terrific! I know the diagnosis for Far Guy is bittersweet. You wish it were something different but you are grateful to finally have a diagnosis. I am hoping that you both get to feeling better and can enjoy the next few weeks of good milestones and the companionship of family during the holidays. Sending good wishes your way from Georgia and kisses from Elf Harriet for Chance!

  3. Your Aunt Ester is beautiful. Happy,happy birthday Aunt Ester!!! I had a great Aunt Ester who tenderly guided me to my spiritual life. She was a great role model in my life. We will be celebrating out 37th anniversary in Jan. Woohoo!

    Have a fun day of celebration!!!

  4. I see the cake first, frosting is my addiction, then Auntie Esther. Happy Birthday Esther. Milestones sometimes don't seem like they are until you survive them. My retirement was a milestone, but I still have to hit 60 in a few months. I never thought I would get that old. I am wanting to finally figure out what my retirement should look like, with out so much work.

  5. Whoa! Congrats on the 40 years..that is awesome!

  6. So many milestones...congrats on 40 years!! I hope I make it to two years of blogging!!!

  7. Congrats on 40 years of marriage and 2 years of blogging. Sorry about the diagnosis for Far Guy; you've said he's in a lot of pain. As for Aunt Esther, good for you, dear lady!

  8. My goodness, that is a lot happening in a short amount of time! Forty years is awesome Far Side. Congrats to both of you. How is Far Guy doing? Two years on Christmas day? I hope this year will be really good for both of you - in every way!

    Blessings my friend! Emma send kisses for Chance.

    The Duchess

  9. Connie, congrats on all of the good aniversaries, and over the internet hugs for the bad ones.

    Forty years, way to go!


  10. Congratulations on all your milestones - but only the good ones!

  11. Yes - more cake on order for your 40th! Esther looking good, and so is Gene!

  12. yay for milestones (well some of them anyway) Milestones are pretty groovy things.


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