Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Christmas Skates

All I wanted for Christmas back in 1962 was a pair of white figure skates. I did get them the next year. I loved trying to skate in town at the rink..I never was very good at it. I spent lots of my skating time on the ground, up close and personal with the ice. I loved watching all the town kids skate on Saturdays ..especially the ones that could skate backwards.  I had a hard time going forward upright.. backwards was just a figment of my fruitful imagination. Some of those kids sure could skate.  I did have a beau one winter who could skate backwards..couples would dance and skate holding each other in their arms.. I just kinda hung onto him for dear life and went along for the ride.  The kids in town were really lucky they could skate everyday, and they had a warming house!

The only ice skating that took place on the farm was in the spring in a corner of one of the fields where the spring runoff would collect and freeze for just a few days..but you had to watch out for the weeds that stuck up..they would send you flying. We would haul a block of wood out to the edge of the field so we would have some place to sit down and put on our skates.

My beautiful white skates were a size seven and a half..the last time I can remember wearing them was in the winter of 1972..Far Guy and I would skate down on the narrows in the moonlight. We would put Trica to bed, and head down the hill to shovel a spot to skate. Those skates served me well... I had them much longer than that old pink radio. Not that the radio was a bad wasn't. I would unplug my parents radio all the time and take it to my I suppose it made perfect sense to them. I don't ever remember wanting anything for Christmas as desperately as those skates.. I just had to wait patiently for them until the next year:)


  1. I used to ice skate too. My butt spent a lot of time on the ice. I would skate whenever our lake would freeze over. It never froze smooth though. Those stupid bumps would send me head over heels all the time. It was still fun though. I remember hot chocolate and long naps afterwards. Those were great memories. I agree ice skates are definitely a much better gift than a radio.

  2. Oh - glad you got them, and did get to use them. I think as a kid, that was kept us going all winter. Almost every nite we'd be skating at the rink by the old school! Spose I was one of those town kids you talked about!!!!!!!! Twas fun tho. Bet my ankles wouldn't hold up long now tho.

  3. Glad you got the skates. We only roller skated ice skating was something I watched on t.v.
    You got memories do you still have the skates?
    I just had to ask.

  4. demanica..No, I no longer have the skates..somethings you just can't onto forever..unlike memories:)

  5. Great finish to your story.


  6. I'm happy to know you did get the skates eventually. I love hearing your memories of those skates too. Nalley worked with a guy age 55 or so who was always complaining cause he never got a pop gun as a kid. Finally one Christmas, his grandkids bought him POP GUNS!!! I do wish you had a photo of those skates.

  7. I tried skating in the parks when I lived up there -- almost killed myself. Skating is a skill that must be acquired when you're young, and close to the ground.

  8. Glad you got the skates! I'm now a great skater in my own imagination. I can do Axels and Lutzes and all kinds of great stuff in my head. Can't wait for the winter skill level always rises watching Olympic skating!

  9. I never put on ice skates, but I remember roller skates as a kid. I am so happy to hear that you FINALLY got those ice skates, and that they did give you the satisfaction you hoped for... the year before.

  10. What a lovely story. Brought back such memories for me. One year all I wanted was a Cowboy outfit. My mom made me one, it was red cordoroy with white fringes. I got cowboy boots and a gun holster and everything. I wore it everywhere for days. Going to follow along and read more of your blogs. Come by and visit me sometime too.

  11. I never skated on a smooth surface growing up. It was always on lumpy lakes and ponds. I tried skating last year and my ankles hurt for a week! I don't know if I will do that again.


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