Sunday, December 13, 2009

Ringing The Bells

Bells I have a few.. one was an ornament the year we lived in Buxton, ND.  That year I had zero for imagination so the ornament was a simple bell with your name and the year on it..mine now has a bow to dress it up a tad..but I am not sure if the others had bows or not.

Last year I got a new bell, but for the life of me I cannot remember who gave it to me... maybe I bought it for myself.  As an ornament giver..I am not often an ornament receiver..I think it must be give the gifts that you would like to receive yourself.

In 2006, I received a very special gift from my niece, Rachael and nephew, Jacob and my X brother in law.  I kept the slip of paper that they sent with the bell.. " We hope that you enjoy this authentic Victorian Sleigh (Jingle) Bell. The kids and I have restored this bell and offer it to you in celebration of the Christmas season.  We hope that you will find a place on your tree or perhaps an entry door to hang it and each time you hear it jingle, be reminded of all your blessings in life."  It is one of my most treasured ornaments.

In some cities the church bells ring at noon everyday..I am sure that many people don't even hear them anymore.  They are just a normal part of the city noise. Far Guy has a favorite Christmas is a tad sad..but it has a happy ending.  As Christians whatever our life story is..there is a happy ending.  No matter what pain and sorrow you have, no matter how tough your row is to hoe ( my Grandma used to say that) ..everyday should be all about reaching the is not a race either..everyone will reach the goal in their own time:)  


  1. Love the song. We enjoy all of Johnny Cash's Christmas and gospel music, he is one of Bet's all time favorites. Our bells have become permanant fixtures on our doors to the outside. The rat terriers have learned to ring them when they want service!

  2. That is a beautiful sentiment included with the Victorian Sleigh Bell. I love the thought of being reminded of life blessings. I understand why it is one of your most treasured ornaments. Sometimes the simplest things become our favorites. My mother collected bells from around the world and I inherited her collection. Her Christmas bells are my favorite.

  3. Thanks for sharing the JC song: it was new to me.

    I have bells hanging on my doors year round: they will now remind me of my blessings when I hear them ring. :o)

  4. I love all of them...especially the Victorian sleigh bell restored by family members!

  5. I like ornaments with a story. I keep some of mine too to talk about when visitors come to my house.

  6. Very nice post - I like bells too! I love the holidays - because you hear all about what is special to people and how folks share the joy of the season!

  7. Well I wouldn't call where we live a city. Our whole county has about 9000 people and we only have 3 stop lights in the whole county. BUT the church in town has bells that play music every hour on the hour. So beautiful, you can hear it all over town.

    I love the Victorian sleigh bell!

  8. I love your bells - that sleigh bell and the verse that came with it is a real treasure. Thanks for sharing the video; I had not heard that one before.

  9. Bells are so magical. I have a couple brass sleigh bells but I don't ever remember to get them out. I guess I could at least lay them out on the coffee table for fun.

  10. Lovin' the bells! Johnny 'C' is just classic!!!
    The self-pic I took. I have a timer and a tripod 'just didn't take the time to use them. I'm pretty spastic to say the least and I tend to jump from one thing to another. Have a good break and see you when you get back.

    Have a wonderfully blessed day enjoying the joy of the season!!!

  11. Sorry that was Joanna on the break. Oops. I think we all need a break maybe!!! Heeeheehee

  12. I have a sleigh bell that a friend gave me last year ... never thought to use it as a Christmas ornament. I will do so!

  13. I have a lot of bells too; in fact I just bought a package of them to put on Beamer's breast collar so that I'll have a jingle horse to ride this Christmas!


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