Monday, November 30, 2009


I  have been using the Elliptical is a machine from hell..but it does provide me with low impact exercise.  I can now do a 12 1/2  minute mile.. I may have some fat..but by golly it is going to be firm fat.    My goal is to do two miles in 24 minutes.  It is a work in progress.  It is low impact, so my bad leg does okay,  my good leg helps make up for the weakness in my bad one.   I broke my ankle and leg back in 1979, the Doctors said I would only walk ten years.. twenty if I was really lucky..this year marked thirty.  Funny thing is ..those Doctors  are pushing up daisies and I am still walking!   I find that the Elliptical is better than walking on the uneven ground outdoors..or walking in ice and snow..although I still like going outdoors.  I have a selection of oldies that I  listen to..I crank up the music and sweat.   Every other day is the required goal ..everyday is sometimes an option..especially if I feel real bitchy.. somehow walking my fat butt off makes me less cranky.   It is totally impossible for me to actively bitch when I am puffing like the little engine that could.   The nearest gym is fourteen miles away.  Far Guy and I  went to a gym when we lived in North Dakota.. I loved the variety of the exercise equipment that could be found in a real gym.  For now this machine fits the does get boring..perhaps I will start reading a really good novel out loud to myself..or move the little TV up there and watch old videos.   That TV is so will not get any channels..but it has a built in VCR. Far Guy is way ahead of me ..he does over two miles in twenty five minutes.  His hips are bad, a few weeks ago he tried running down the driveway..he walked around here limping for three days mumbling "That was a really stupid thing to do.. but the dog was so impressed."   Exercise in Minnesota in the gotta do some..even if you don't feel like it.  What kind of exercise do you do during the winter months?  :)
*** That monstrosity ended up in my storage area upstairs..the room that is suppose to have custom built bunk beds for the grands.. and that scale..that belongs to Far Guy.


  1. We have a scale in our house, too. I have never stepped on it, belongs to the hubby. I go four days a week to the YMCA, which has a great gym and an exercise class every morning at 9:00 am. Even though it was raining hard this morning, we had 40 people jumping and sweating to Joanne's class. I would really miss it if I didn't do it. On Friday when the class was not happening, I rode the elliptical, which is, you're right, boring. But effective!

    Without any exercise I am truly an unhappy person and bitchy doesn't even begin to describe me. So I go, and then I'm happy.

  2. I walk in the driveway each day. It seldom is very cold here in GA. The 2 golden retrievers that live next door just sit and watch me! It's kinda funny. Have you ever listened to a book on tape? Mama always enjoyed those.

  3. Until this year I walked 30 minutes on my treadmill every day. I hated it, but I felt much better for doing it. After a few bad falls I was afraid of breaking my neck on the darn thing so I stopped. I can really tell the difference too. Exercise really is a necessary evil. I need to find some alternative. I couldn't keep my balance on the moving belt of the treadmill. I wonder if this elliptical would be safer for me??? It sure sounds like a good alternative. I could set my own pace and hold on.

  4. I used a treadmill for a it's in the attic somewhere. I dance around with the grandkids periodically, but need to get back to my combination of yoga, pilates, and weight-listing (really light ones) for strength and stamina.

  5. I have an old fashioned rowing machine, that they probably don't sell any more but I use it at least twice a week when I am doing nothing else physically. My present remodeling project is making me drop pounds and I will be too tired to row.

  6. Actually, I think about joining the gym and force myself to go outside to exercise and feed the dog. So far, I've moved from thinking about it to planning to. I joined a group at city rec last year. I thought it was "Sweating to the Oldies" turned out to be "Sweating with the Oldies". Seriously, that was the name of it. We sat on chairs and used weights and rubber bands.

  7. I have a gym about 3 miles from my house, I try to get there 3x times a week, and to walk the dogs the other days. I'm impressed by your 12.5 minute miles. You go, girl!

  8. You're doing great...I like to do an e-bike and I can do 5 miles in 45 minutes and I can book along and read a book --- treadmill is much harder - 3 miles at a climb takes me almost 45 minutes and I sweat! Great job to Far Guy too!

  9. We had a treadmill years ago and gave it away. Wish we still had it. We BOTH need to use it especially in these wet and cold winter months. You are an inspiration!

    The Duchess

    PS Wonderful picture of Chance. He's so handsome!

  10. You're doing great! I tend toward the outdoors; I like to put on a hat and scarf and walk/run if possible, but I actually have not gotten back into any kind of shape since my surgery in Sept. We have a treadmill in the basement but our basement is horrid, and I'd rather be outdoors....hubby signed us both up for a great gym, but we are totally typical there...we both barely go, unfortunately. However, I SWEAR I am going to get back into some sort of shape soon! You are an inspiration, as Emma said.

  11. I need to do something for my ankle. But I get so bored with exercise. I love to walk outdoors.

  12. I walk for about one or two hours every day with the dog... perhaps only an hour when there is ice on the ground and I have to wear those spiky soles. As soon as the ice is thick enough, I go out on my spark on the ice on the lake.

    I also have two small kids to run around after!

  13. I go about two times a week to the exercise place that is about ten miles from us. I also have a bike (stationary) that I am supposed to use daily but don't. It's still so hard for the knee to bike. I have been told not to use the treadmill, it will wear my new knee out.

    I have an MP3 player that I have downloaded audio books from ... I can listen and not have to handle a book while exercising. Try that for awhile!

  14. Congrat to you! I have big dreams of excercise-but they never seem to happen : )

  15. That's a darn good time on one of those horrible things........I have one and need to start using it the sweet by and by........after a while! You've inspired me and now I have to get on that thing and beat your time ;)

  16. I love the eliptical. The easiest exercise machine for bad knees and hips. And I am going to try sister Connie's suggestion with the audio books. Much better than watching what other people choose on TV in the exercise room.

  17. My scale is in my dining room. I thought it would help, but not so much. I do the treadmill in the winter, and watch a one hour tv episode on my computer compliments of adds up to about 45 minutes. I would love an elliptical now because my knees are beginning to feel their age, but don't dare ask my hubby since I begged for the treadmill!

  18. I'm impressed! I just dream about some sort of exercise that doesn't include chopping ice for water, hauling water, pitching hay, bringing in fire wood.

    None of that does anything for my fat. None of it. I could walk....but it's cold.


  19. Hi Connie, I have been using a elliptical trainer for my cardio and it has worked great. I also use a product for helping maintain my muscle that I bought from it has worked wonders like the elliptical trainer. Keep up the good work.

  20. the elliptical trainer is wonderful. i have one in my basement, too. i set it up in front of the TV with a DVD player and watch movies, 20 minutes at a time. wanting to know "what happens next" makes me get on it again the next day.


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