Sunday, November 29, 2009

Seamstress Project #1

I am not a seamstress..yet why do I think that I should be able to sew? Just because I was born female..I should be able to sew, cook, shop and talk on the phone..I am a failure..I have never been truly in touch with my inner seamstress. Remember I only passed Home Economics because my Mom sewed my skirt for me..she saved me from failure and herself from embarrassment in the seamstress community.

Where was I when God handed out the special qualities? You know the lines you stand in to get your specialness the sewing line..the cooking line..the shopping line.. I never made it past the B's. Books, Breasts and Bitching.

I guess you could say I have been gifted with the ability to collect enough books that I will never be able to read them in my lifetime..I admit it I am a book hoarder. I wonder if I should think about going to some sort of support group..speaking of support.. will there ever be a comfortable support bra? As for the bitching part.. Far Guy says "You must have been the most difficult child ever." Perhaps I was, I know as a Mothers friends called me a bitch.. and I totally agreed with them.

I am attempting to be a seamstress. When I asked my youngest daughter..the one who sewed her finger in Home Economics if she wanted to come help with my project..she said " Really Mother, just hire someone to sew for you." Then she mumbled something about people that don't understand their own limitations...

I have been sewing in my mind. Sometimes I have to do things in my mind first..before I really do them. Sometimes just doing something step by step in my mind is enough for me..once I have it all figured out..I no longer have the desire or need to do it. No so with my sewing projects. Just because I did them in my mind..they did not magically appear. Yes, there are four different projects. Do I have a pattern ..NO. Did I have a clue when I purchases all this yardage? NO..I was swept away with visions of perfectly sewn window seat cushions...

They are not perfect..but they will do. Today I am starting the next sewing adventure.. lined Drapes/Curtains... two windows..four panels..all lined..I have never lined anything in my entire life..why the lining? Because they are south facing windows and because I never want to do this project again in my lifetime:)


  1. You are far from being a failure. Maybe you can't sew or cook, but you are talented in so many other ways. You are smart and witty. You have excellent photography skills and I think you have one the best written blogs I have ever read. It is in my top five favorites and I read a lot of blogs. Beside all that, I relate totally. I hate cooking, shopping, sewing, and talking on the phone. You sound ideal to me. For what my opinion is worth, I think the window seat looks great!

  2. I can feel your pain. But I know you have to do this because it becomes a thing.(to do)and you are woman.

  3. I love the window seat cushions. I have never lined anything ever - not even in my mind! I admire you for tackling these projects.

  4. Just found your blog.... I love that you start by sewing in your mind. I do that, too, for projects that don't come with patterns. I was reasonably adept at sewing but didn't do any for about 30 years. Then grandkids came along, and I'm back at it.

  5. Good for you! The cushions turned out great. I get so discouraged and stop trying because I'm a perfectionist and when my work isn't perfect, I feel like a failure, too.

    Which is why I've not gone back to spinning yarn in the past few months. My yarn ends up over twisted, tangled and full of nubs. Everyone tells me it looks good that way, more handmade. But I see a mess.

    You're an inspiration. Keep up the good efforts at sewing, and who knows....


  6. I sewed in HS because that was how you got dresses. I've been away from it so long, I can't get seams to line up. I thing your cushions look great. Just "fake it until you make it" and your last set of lined curtains will be perfect.

  7. I used to sew, but I couldn't do anything without a pattern. I know some people do, but it takes talent I don't have. I agree with Rae: you have tons of talent and one of them is communication, which you must realize is not a universal blessing! Thanks for the blog, and your discerning eye!

  8. I will be glad to see the finished products. We are looking for ideas for our new window. I don't want anything but a blind, but curtains there must be. I guess that is a man thing.

  9. I have used duct tape to do cushions, ever tried that?? I saw it on tv and it does work. I do sew but I am a late bloomer. So every job I tackle is always a challenge for me and yes it is hard to read the directions and worse to follow them. You shouldn't be worried about what you are not good at and think about how good you are at what you can do. You are so talented at making us laugh, simile, and show us beautiful photos. You give us inspiration. I always look froward to seeing what you have on your blog!

  10. Cushion looking good! How's the start of the curtains going? call.

  11. I believe you have the talent corraled! Good job. None of us see the perfection in our works only the works of others.
    You can do this!

  12. You "measure" like I do. I love the horn handles, I've always been going to make some but just haven't gotten to it yet:(

  13. Looks beautiful to me! One of the great things about the internet is you can find diagrams for how to do almost everything...I'm sure your curtains will be great too! Good luck!

  14. Good job! But lined draperies? You are so brave! I'll bet they turn out great :)

  15. why wait for hell, huh? ha ha ha.
    When I get near a sewing maching the hair on the back of my neck stands up.

  16. Hilarious! I'm your twin sister - can't sew, cook or do any of that stuff! I chose Latin over Domestic Science at school.. that just about sums up my abilities! ;-)

  17. hey, that cushion looks great! and if Lady Fi is your twin, then i must be your triplet. my mother hates sewing, too, and used to grumble grumble grumble whenever she had to make something. she was pretty good at it, though, which was kind of too bad--because then she had to keep doing it.

    i got a "c" in home ec because i refused to put the topstitching on a zipper i had somehow managed to put in the jumper i was making. (jumper=clever because no sleeves).

  18. Good luck! Can't wait to see the finished projects -- there's something about new fabric and thread that just gets us excited, isn't there?

  19. Your cushion looks very attractive to me and I am an accomplished seamstress.I too have sewed covers for pillows,chairs,etc. and all turned out just fine. I didn't use a pattern, either.I would see any imperfections in my work, but no one else did.

  20. Because you are a woman! Love that! I stopped sewing because I am a woman and I can! HA!


  21. I got a "D" in Home Ec and now sew, knit, weave, spin and do various other fiber arts. I learned it on my own. I think the teachers back in our day had no imagination. Look at all we have accomplished in spite of, or perhaps because we were told we couldn’t do anything. Your cushions look great.


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