Sunday, November 8, 2009

Last Bloom

I believe that this is the last bloom of the year..Aster 'Purple Dome'  this one is a tad frosty.  Frost filled mornings are normal now, each morning frost covers everything.    Chance and I go out and check to see if anything is photo worthy.   Not all frost is equal.

The yard work is done, all the lawn furniture has been dried off and put away.  The lawn was mowed one last time, well it was more like mowing the non existent grass and mulching the plentiful leaves.  All the leaves that are going to fall have done so.   There are still a few tenacious leaves on the Northern Pin Oaks,  they will be with us all winter.  Sometimes they will fall during the winter and  dance around on the icy surface of the snow banks.  Skidding around reminding me of fall, and my inability to organize the entire forest.  The trees are for the most part..bare..grey..anorexic..they have done their duty..they have kept us shaded from the summer sun..although that wasn't a very difficult job for them this year:)


  1. What a pretty aster. I have a few roses still blooming but the leaves on the trees are falling fast today. Hope you are enjoying a peaceful afternoon.

  2. We are having the last days of warm autumn weather this weekend. It has been nice enjoying the sun, but our trees are bare also. I know that our first snow is around the corner. We haven't had a hard frost yet. Predictions are for it next week. Too bad there isn't some type of flower that could survive and bloom through winter. It would sure make things seem a little less gloomy.

  3. Warm weather today but tomorrow is a different story. Your a few weeks ahead of us be we will join you soon. The asters are great, mother nature sapped the color out of those leaves.

  4. Beautiful aster, does those reseed or come up from the roots?

    We have had two frosts and lovely warmish weather after our floods. Plants are not quite finished but are getting closer to the winter sleep.

  5. At least you have something in has been dead around here for a few weeks. ha
    I got lazy and did not rake everything up this fall, so now in the spring I will have twice as much work.
    But I will pretend it is done and rest this winter.

  6. I saw industrious bees today coming and going... they must be eating something, but I have a hard time figuring out what. Yes, Connie, it's that time of year when everything begins to hibernate, or at least begin to move in that direction. Nice frosty pictures, makes me want to turn the heat up.

  7. Gail, That particular Aster is a perennial, and it over winters in this area very nicely. It does not re seed itself at all that I am aware of. It comes up from it's own roots..and I should really divide my clump. It is always the last color in the garden, it can withstand some frost in the fall and still hold its color:)

  8. Asters are long since past here.......but my yard stuff JUST got finished this morning.....finally!

  9. Zoooooooom crunch~crunch! I just mow over my leaves mulching them to add nutrients to the soil. I do have a full acre of yard. My flowers are all toast except for one little marigold I spied in a hidden corner the other day.

    I haven't totally finished the yard. I have had to feed the Strongbacks (farm hands) two meals a day during this soybean harvest. We are a little over half finished. {SIGH} I wasting nice days slingin' grub. Heeeheehee!

    Have a wonderful week and enjoy those final blooms. :o)

  10. It's fun to find a little unexpected wildflower in the frost! We are finishing up our fall chores too (hubby did eavestroughs this weekend).

  11. Love the lacy frost. We're having a mild damp spell at the moment. Longing for frost and some sun though!

  12. I love Asters. They remind me of my mother. Maybe I should mix some asters into my Zinnia/Black-eyed Susan border.


  13. tomorrow I'm going to look and see if I have anything out there that resembles a blossom

  14. I've been looking at you past your outdoor photos!!


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