Sunday, November 15, 2009

Family Time

We were gone on Friday, but we came  back home on Saturday afternoon.   We headed up north to our daughters.   Far Guy was getting to do one of his favorite things.  Attend a hockey game at "The Ralph" ...with our daughter and son in law.. Far Guy had to cream our daughter in a couple of games of Ping Pong first.. they have had a ping pong war going for a really long time..since she was a teenager.

I got to do one of my favorite things..stay with the grand boys!  They tolerate me,  first they played video x box I is hooked up to the TV and has controllers.  I had played a shoot em up target practice game with Adam in the afternoon..eventually he told me "Grandma, you are done, I am playing all by myself now."  Dismissed by an eight year old!   They eventually wandered to the computers..which left me nothing to I tried the video game by myself.  Well not really by myself..Adam came out and got me started..probably better than me hanging over his shoulder at the computer. "Which one you want Grandma, the one you couldn't play this afternoon?"  Yah ..I guess I need practice.   After awhile Noah came to check on me..they really took care of me more than I took care of them.  Noah showed me a Build your Own Roller coaster.. so I built was all track..after my attempt we rode the coaster I designed..he told me that some people actually build such great coasters that they barf when they do the final ride (did I know that you could  watch a You Tube of people barfing during their roller coaster virtual ride? ) ..mine was not that great.. not barf worthy.   Time for the big event of the evening..a movie,  Hotel for Dogs..a cute flick..I like any movie with dogs and this was a pretty good little movie for us all to watch.  It was a non violent movie which suits me just fine.  We all got our blankies and pillows and popcorn and settled in for the evening!  I just love that huge sectional..that allows us all space..but togetherness..there was even room for two dogs and a cat.

Noah serenaded us with his guitar, he goes to lessons and is really coming along quite well.   His report card was fantastic..mostly B's and a few A's!!  Adams report card was good too..he needs to work on neatness..I think that is pretty normal.  Adam who struggled the entire school year last year with a teacher that should not have been teaching..told me " School is good Grandma"  What sweet words to hear.  "I have the best teacher in the entire school! "   Now that is really something, and a real relief to me.  Especially since I spent most of the  last school year wanting to visit his school and tell his teacher a thing or two.   Funny thing too..there was no grandparents day at school the entire year.

Hockey season is upon us.  On weekend nights like last night..the phone rings and you know it is about Hockey..first one daughter..then the other..all hockey fans watching two games on the TV..switching back and forth between channels..calling their Dad to make sure he is watching.  A local boy is on the BSU team..they played the Gophers last night..and then the UND game against St Cloud.. both games at the same time..on the same television.  It was way too much for me to keep up with:)


  1. That sounds like a great time for everyone. I don't know the first thing about hockey, but of course Nalley is a big fan. That's a great photo of your daughter, husband and Far Guy. Now ping pong, I was pretty good at in high school! So glad you got to spend time with Adam and Noah - the movie sounds very entertaining. That's great that Noah is enjoying music. I hope he continues to excel and it will afford him many opportunities through the years. Thanks for sharing your outing with us.

  2. Your family photos are wonderful. Your grandson is a handsome young man. You sound like a wonderful grandma. I can't think of anything better than spending time with grandkids. They keep us young at heart and are so much fun to be with. I have mastered the Nintendo DS and Wii thanks to my grandsons and even managed to beat them once.
    I read about your scarecrow exploits. Too funny! You are quite the prankster.

  3. What fun! You do have a wonderful family, Connie. I love the tiny little guitar, made just for little fingers. Lucky you!

  4. A wonderful story. Beautiful family and a stupendous way to spend a weekend.

  5. Great picture! Sounds like fun! I bet you had fun too -- just grandma and kids is good! Little family outings are wonderful!

  6. Are you resting today? Sounds like your visit was a good one. And I bet the Hockey game was great at the "Ralph".

  7. Wow, what a great time for everybody! And a couch big enough to boot! YEAAAAAHHHH!

  8. Your grandson looks like a natural on the guitar. It is nice he likes music and works at it. We don't see hockey anywhere on tv down here even though we have had a local team, ha, most of them are Minnesotans, for many years. It is great that the boys had Grandma hang around. They grow up so fast.

  9. Sounds like ya'll had the best weekend. That Noah is one handsome dude.

    You have yourself a wonderful week and may God grant you many blessings!!!

  10. LOL! No Grandparents Day this year? Connie, you didn't!
    Sounds like a great time was had by all. We've seen that movie and loved it. We have actually seen it twice. Once with the grandkids and once just for us! :)

    Emma send kisses for Chance!

  11. A proud Grandma, and so you should be!


  12. Sounds like a great time was had by everyone. So glad you enjoyed the grandkids...

  13. Sounds like a great time with the grands. I can't play any of those games either. I haven't seen the movie but I bet it was a good one. I love dogs.

  14. I love hanging with's so comfortable!

  15. You warmed my heart and made me smile and laugh and applaud you! I too have wanted to go to school and 'talk to the teacher'. I have to refrain because both Kelly and Misty ARE teachers and coaches and well...politcs are huge in school. BUT STILL.....

    And you know wasn't Blade, my grandson, I wanted to go talk about it was another child who has no one who cares. GRRR. I still may, but she is doing better with a MAN teacher who seems to really care about HOW little kids learn.

    Oh, well. I'll just pressure Misty. HA! Now that will show them.



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