Tuesday, October 27, 2009


The buses arrived, and the small children each with a white art project headband filed in and took their chairs.   It is that time of year again..Fire Safety for the Head Start Class.    Once their little squirming bodies are all safely ensconced in a chair, Far Guy asks them "What do you do if your clothing is on fire?"  They all holler back, "STOP, DROP and ROLL!!"   Far Guy tells them that they should, never, ever play with matches, and that matches should be brought to Mom or Dad right away. Jerry and Far Guy get out the Medical Bag, they show the kids some of the stuff inside..they are most taken with the Pulse/ Oxygen meter, everyone wants to have it stuck on their finger.  

Far Guy puts all the gear on for them.. no one is bawling this year..hallelujah! Far Guy dresses up the kids in his coat and his hat.  The kids line up and have their pictures taken.  For some this is a big step,  it helps to make it all seem less scary.  

The Chief arrives.. he gets all dressed up in his gear with the respirator.   To small children, just the sound is sometimes scary.  They all do great, we have one tiny little girl that is whimpering..so the Chief takes off his mask as she watches him.  

Chance and I are sitting in the far corner, Chance has a few visitors..we are just observers today, just in case we need to help herd kids.  

Day Light Savings time ends on November 1, 2009..so remember to Fall Back and catch up on that hour of sleep that you lost last spring.   This is also the reminder to put batteries on your grocery list.  Your batteries in your smoke detectors should be changed this Sunday.  Why?  Because I said so!!  Go through a mock fire drill at your house, meeting up at the designated safe spot outdoors and communicate with your children about Fire Safety. 

Never leave space heaters unattended, and if you are leaving your house turn off your clothes dryer.  Never throw in a load of clothing to dry..and then go to bed.    My Son in Law did this..luckily he was able to get Savannah ( she was just a baby)  out of the house and two of their dogs..poor Katie a Sheltie died and Caramel the kitty died from smoke inhalation.  Very little was saved from inside that house.. it had smoke alarms..and a faulty dryer.  Nothing quite brings it all into perspective until you see your Granddaughters high chair and car seat melted in place:( 


  1. What a great way to spend a day - teaching kids about fire safety and helping them not be afraid of firemen and their equipment. I also learned that dryers can start fires when I was a kid. Fortunately, it was during the day when we were at home and we caught it right away.

  2. A lesson well taught that can save precious lives. Thanks for reminding us to stop and think about safety this winter.

    Have a blessed day!!!

  3. Good job! Those kids WON'T forget either! Thanks for the reminder on changing batteries.

  4. Thanks for the reminder. We will DO IT! I bet Chance was a big comfort to some of those little ones. He's soooooo wonderful!

    Emma Rose

  5. Thanks for that reminder. I am sure the kids enjoy this learning experience. My grandkids do.

  6. What a great experience for the children and important reminders for us! Thanks!

  7. Always a good reminder. Fire safety can never be stressed enough to children or adults.

  8. Thank you to the Fire Department for repeating and repeating to our young people how to stay safe. The fire department also visited our local 4-H group. Great story and reminder to us adults ---

  9. My dryer almost started a fire. My kids and I were very lucky.

  10. What a wonderful thing your husband and other people do to teach children how disaterous fire can be. The fire truck visits our apartment complex and the children are all given plastic red hats after talk with the children. lilly

  11. What a wonderful thing Far Guy does! And I myself, if I ever get caught on fire, will now think to Stop, Drop, and Roll! LOL. Give a pat on the head to that beautiful Chance.

  12. Oh my goodness - had no idea about dryers!

    Looks like the fire safety day was good... and such fun for the kids.

  13. guilty. of leaving the dryer going. Sigh.

    fortunately no fire. I'll not do it anymore, ma'am.

  14. Thank you so much all of this is such good information.

    We had a flood of sorts one night from a broken water tube. I'm just glad we were home (although a sleep) and not on a trip.



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