Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fall Color This Week

It has been raining and cold all of October, the fall color is not yet peak, maybe by the weekend. I am tired of the rain, and the dreariness..I need me some sunshine. I have to wear socks with my crocs now, either that or get out my snow boots.

Our Burr Oaks are turning brown and the leaves are starting to litter the ground. I have to wait for the lawn furniture to dry out before putting it away for the winter. After a couple of frosts..the bugs are pretty much gone..except for the Deer Ticks, the little tiny ones, about the size of a pin head. Chance had a couple crawling on him. We have way too many deer, if someone was allowed to control the deer population..we wouldn't have so many ticks. I like deer, just not so many of them.

The driveway has a little color. It was a different kind of summer for us, cool and dry, Fall is starting out wet and cold, and the leaves seem to be taking their sweet time losing their chlorophyll.

We went for a drive yesterday afternoon, over in the Pickerel Lake area, the fall colors are coming along. They have some colorful Maples over there. The Minnesota DNR web site has us at 50 to 75 percent color. I would say that report is pretty accurate.

I love the rich colors that the turning leaves assault your eyes with. It is a triumphant end to their summer season..the last hurrah..before the snowy cold death like fingers of winter grab out and strangle them until spring sunshine orders winter to surrender the trees held in a wintery trance:)


  1. Miles apart yet so similar. We too have had a couple of frosts and saturated with rain. We have only one day this week without moisture predicted. 2.5 inches this morning.

    Lovely pics, I always enjoy them. Ya'll enjoy this day!!!

  2. I love the changing of the leaves in fall. Your colors are so pretty and warm. Sorry you have had so much rain. Maybe it will stop soon - but I bet it turns cold. We are anxiously waiting for more cooler temps. upper 80's and so humid. Yuk.

  3. I always enjoy your pictures. This Autumn lake photo is especially pretty. We are just beginning to see color - I predict peak in about two weekends. We have had lots of rain in the last 2 weeks. Like you, I could use some sunshine!

  4. I guess it's time for me to walk around Bellingham and take pictures of the fall colors. I see yours are just beautiful, and you still have halfway to go. How lovely. Thanks for the neat fall walk. I know you have lots of snow up there, so I'll get to enjoy that... later, right?

  5. Love fall colors; and that water - was like a mirror yesterday. Beautiful.

  6. Our colors here in MI are about the same as yours. I am tired of this rain and cold too! Wow, fall has come on us so quickly. I am looking forward to some sunshine and those fall colors to come out soon. I keep hoping anyway!

  7. Fall is such a show stopper! Cold here...real cold for this time of year. Winter is not far off now.


  8. Do you not have population control hunts?

  9. Thanks for your comments!
    DJan, Yes we get lots of snow and I will be blogging about it from the time it starts until next May:(
    Gail, Yes we have hunts, two weeks for rifle season..they have limited it to one deer per hunter this year..last year they could get several ..Far Guy says up to eight deer per person last season. Then they have bow season and then black powder. So there is some opportunity to thin the herd..but not nearly enough:(

  10. Very nice post and pictures. The weather has been so terrible this last week, I wondered if we were going straight to winter. It sure looks like fall in your pictures though.

  11. The rain today was non-stop. It's wearing thin. Such a weird year of weather we've had so far. Makes me wonder what winter will be like.

    Love the photo of Chance in Paul Bunyan's hand below!

  12. I so love the sun on the vivid colors of autumn...but it has been hiding on us for days! I have been waiting to get out and get some more fall pictures, and time is running short.

  13. Crocks with socks.
    while Fall tick tocks
    and your blog rocks.

    Sorry. It just babbles out of me sometimes. heh heh

  14. Love the photo of the lake and reflected fall leaves!

  15. Thanks for sharing the Fall pictures--beautiful. I love to see the gorgeous leaves on the trees but dread when it is time to get them up.

  16. I love the reflection!!!!! Poor Chance having to sit in Pauls hand, must have prayed he didn't squeeze:)

  17. Great shots! I really like the reflections in the lake and also the yellow and green leaves are stunning.

  18. Our color is coming along slowly also, or so it seems. I may just be in a hurry for fall to be all here. Tomorrow I am going to be decorating and setting up for our fall kick off party aka Leif Erikkson Day. And thanks for the offer to send lutefisk but I'll pass this year!


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