Monday, October 19, 2009

Eighty Candles

I called my brother who lives next door, I said "Do you suppose that we should put 80 candles on Mom's cake?" He laughed and said "Sounds interesting..but how would we get and keep them all lit ? " We decided to just position a box of candles in the shape of a big 80. My Dad hosted a small get together to celebrate my Mothers birthday..the big eight oh. Dad sprung for the Ice Cream Cake and he asked me to bake a lemon cake. I also made some rice krispie bars and my brother brought some cookies. Not everyone could attend, we were missing my brother in Oregon and my sister in Minnesota. Neither of our girls could attend, Jen had company and Tricas girls have the flu.

My Mom said it had been a long time since she had a cake with candles on it.

Good thing that my brothers children have offspring that are still mesmerized by candles.

What a crew helping Great Grandma put out the fire! Pictured are six of her great grands..she has thirteen all together.

All of my brothers grands were there, this is Aubrey with her Mom and Great Grandma.

Newest baby Brooke and her Great Grandma. She is still so little, but growing! I got to hold her, she only squeaked a little, no out right screams..she fell asleep. I breathed a sigh of relief!

In retrospect, I probably should have baked my cake in layers and put it on a fancy cake plate..I took a cake decorating class eons ago..I do remember how to do buttercream frosting. But this cake is my Mother's Mother's recipe and it was never on a fancy cake plate it was always in a cake pan with a cover.. it was one of my Grandmas favorite recipes.

Lemon Cake

One package of Lemon Cake mix, I use Pillsbury

One can of Wilderness Lemon Pie Filling

2 eggs

Mix together. The batter will be thick! Put in 9x13 pan that has been oiled and floured. Bake 350 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes. After it has cooled prepare the frosting. Pour some powdered sugar in a bowl..add some lemon juice..mix it up well..not to thick not too runny..pour it over your cake..enjoy!

This cake instantly transports me to a sunny kitchen with huge windows on the old porch..the long narrow white table under the windows filled with African Violets and Geraniums brought in for the winter. The smell of freshly brewed coffee..and a red and white checkered oilcloth covering the kitchen table. All these memories in just one recipe:)


  1. What a wonderful family. Congratulations on your mom's birthday.

  2. Connie, your mother is gorgeous! How can she be eighty? She looks at least ten years younger and maybe more. I love that picture of her with her youngest offspring; it's so wonderful you still have your mom. I still miss mine, and she's been gone 16 years now.

  3. Thirteen great grands all together????? Oh my what a blessed woman!

    I loved your memories connected to the cake. I'm terrible in the kitchen but I'm going to try to make your recipe for the Duke. It sounds yummy.

    Isn't it funny how a smell or a song or something else can transport us back to a time so long ago? My Grandmother used to mail packages to me and they always smelled like her perfume. I could feel her hugging me when I smelled the package. Now I wear that same perfume. I may smell old fashioned but I love it!

    The Duchess

  4. Your mom is gorgeous at any age. I love the pic with her great-grannies, quite a clan there. You are blessed to be able to celebrate with your mother. Thanks for sharing.

    Have a wonderful week fill with many blessings!!!

  5. What a lovely Mom you have. My favorite pic is the one of her holding Brooke! I love the one of the 6 great grands helping her with the candles too. Your writing always take my mind back to pleasant memories. Thanks for sharing what the lemon cake recipe reminds you of. My best wishes for the birthday girl too.

  6. Oh, you transported me there also. I am going to have to make one of those cakes and soon.

    Happy Birthday to your Mom. What a treasure that photo is of her and all the great grands.


  7. Nice memories for all of you. You are lucky.

  8. Nice pictures, and I also need to try the cake recipe. Bet Steve will like it.

  9. What a fun event...and look at her with all those great-grandchildren.
    Enjoy every minute of her...precious time together cannot be replaced when she is gone.
    And, if you can...grab a tape recorder and start asking her about her childhood and the other will always be happy you did!

  10. What a great day! Happy Birthday Madeline! I'm going to try the cake recipe too -- if I take it to work that will be the ultimate "good" taste - maybe "they really eat anything"....

  11. I am sure Mom thought a cake she was familiar with was more special than anything else. She is a neat woman with all her great grand kids. It sounds like my family with everyone spread all over. It gets to be impossible to ever have everyone together. When there is cake, my favorite food, it is the greatest blog. I am writing down this recipe. Thanks

  12. Congratulations and Happy Birthday to your MOM!

    Connie you are so very fortunate to have your Mom and Dad in your life! My parents have been gone many years now, but I still have my memories!

    I was impressed that you really did bake a cake!!
    And "LEMON" anything is my favorite!

  13. Your mum with all those grandies - what a wonderful moment!

  14. Happy birthday to the beautiful lady!

  15. Your Mom looks wonderful for her age...Happy Birthday!
    Such lovely family pictures.
    Sunny :)

  16. I love birthday cakes in pans! I love lemon...I am going to try your recipe. Thanks!

  17. OH! Give her a hug for me! Everyday I wish my Momma was still here!

    Happy Birthday!!!!


  18. So were the kids really mesmerized by the candles -- or the promise of cake?

  19. clap clap clap -- for the birthday girl, and for everyone who helped her celebrate.
    truly a definition of "family."

  20. Thank you Connie for the Lemon Cake Recipe!
    I made it today for dessert.....and my husband had 2 pieces! It was delicious!
    I really like most anything LEMON!


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