Saturday, October 4, 2008

Round Robin Challenge: The End of Summer

Thicket Creeper September 2008

This End of Summer Challenge is a suggestion from Janet at Fond of Snape. You may also like to check out the Round Robin Challenge.

Here in Minnesota, we consider the end of summer Labor Day. All the kids start school the day after Labor Day. For me the end of summer is signaled by the brush starting to turn color in the woods. Some of the invaders that are present all summer take on new look in the fall. The Poison Ivy turns a yellow color and then brilliant red. The Virginia Creeper and Thicket Creeper take on the most wonderful red hues. Virginia Creeper or Parthenocissus quinquefolia has small disk shaped holdfasts. Thicket Creeper or Parthenocissus inserta (Often called P. vitacea) has twining tendrils to make its way up a tree. Both of these Creepers are native to Minnesota. Having lived in Minnesota most of my life..even if I didn't have a calendar..I would be able to tell that summer was coming to an end by watching the Creepers change color:)


  1. Hi Connie :)

    Very pretty. Nicely done. :)

  2. Thanks for sharing. I can't wait til the leaves change here...

  3. I love the red hues on this plant. I enjoyed reading a little bit about your area too. have a great weekend.

  4. Connie, some beautiful color! Happy Round Robin Photo Challenge!

  5. Thanks for the comments Round Robins!:)

  6. Very pretty! And I love that you can identify all these different vines, and can tell the passing of the seasons by them.

  7. I love spending time "around the country". Thank you so much! The pic. is fabulous.

  8. oh I love this shot, so full of autumn! Well done!

  9. We have poison ivy here also that turns brilliant red in the fall. Our leaves still haven't turned much, yet.
    Plus it is still hot and dry here. 87 degrees yesterday.
    When I was in school(a long time ago) we started school after labor day. Now all the schools here start the first week of August.
    I love your photo.
    Have a good day.

  10. It must be wonderful to experience the end of summer out in the woods. The photo is great and I love your description. Learn something every day. Thanks.

  11. Luckily I don't catch poison ivy, but my daughter got itchy just seeing it! :-)
    Very nice photo! Happy Robin Hoppin!


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie