Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Stove and Stone

 First of all Far Guy felt a throbbing and some extra pain yesterday...did he or didn't he pass that stone?  I heard no screaming, I always felt like I was dying when the stone passed.  So we have no idea if it is history or not.  He feels much better.  The stone might be happy in his bladder ...until it is not.  Time will tell. 

Our new stove is all hooked up and I was able to conjure up a fairly decent meal of seared salmon and green beans.  I am so happy to put the stove saga behind me.  I can tell you one thing this stovetop gets way hotter than my last one...I will have to watch things closely not to burn them! 

It is a pretty stove.  Big sigh of relief that it all worked out! 

I had the money earmarked for a vacation...that didn't instead of a vacation I got a new stove. 

When Jen and I were making Spring Break vacation plans, nothing was going right, the cruise we wanted was full and the Mexican Resort we finally chose did not take American Express, flights were difficult to coordinate with our days thing after another...we finally said guess we are not going...good thing too as Far Guy was really sick and was in the hospital during the time frame we were to be gone.  Sometimes you just have to go with the flow when plans are not working out. 

Far Side


  1. Well, I'm glad you are finally enjoying that new stove, but sorry you didn't get your cruise planned. I agree too about how sometimes the plants just change. Fracturing my foot changed a lot of plans for us.

  2. The stove looks very complicated. Once I saved for a new stove and bout a pretty diamond ring for myself in stead!

  3. one thing for sure, enjoying the stove will last longer than the trip...

  4. Sometimes things go as they should even though they may not be as planned. Love the new stove!

  5. Looks like a really fine stove. And glad to know FG's stone is now not hurting him.

  6. That is a beautiful stove. Beautiful kitchen! It's frustrating when you just can't make the plans come together. And hopefully that kidney stone is now gone, and will no longer be an issue for Far guy.

  7. I LOVE the looks of your new stove! I like the knobs are in the front. My newest stove has the knobs in back so you have to reach over the burners. I know they are there to keep them out of the reach of young children but they get too hot. I really do like my smooth top - - but I don't like the way it operates. It used to be that electric stoves kept a constant warm/medium/high etc temperature because each burner had a thermostat - - but not this one. Basically it gets RED HOT for maybe ten percent of the time or fifty percent and then drops. back to almost off. I don't like that at all. Plus temperature is never totally on low if other burners are going. However it is way better than the old stove that way dying burner by burner.

  8. You never realize how much an appliance means in your life until you've had to go without it for a few weeks.

  9. That is a good looking stove. I'm sure you are delighted to finally have it installed.

  10. Whew! Thankfully everything is starting to work out. YAY

  11. Things do seem to work out the way they should, even if we don't like it at the time.
    Hope the kidney stone is gone.

  12. It's a shame you weren't able to get away, but it does sound like the universe was conspiring against you.
    Getting the stove may not be as memorable but will last a long time. :)

  13. Both a new stove and his kidney stone gone. Sounds like a good day!

  14. What a nice looking, fancy stove! I wondered what you would make--seared salmon and green beans--awesome!
    Sounds like not being able to go on vacation was one of those unanswered prayers. So glad you were here close to your doctors and the hospital and not far, far away! Also, so glad FarGuy isn't in pain from that stone anymore. Whew! Things are looking up! :)

  15. Sorry to hear about Far Guy's stone troubles - hopefully it's the end of it!

    That's a very shiny new stove! We still have the stove that came with the house. (It's probably about 25 years old). I'd love to get a new one, but we are waiting until we reno the kitchen - which is at least a few years off! The old one is functional, just small.

  16. The new stove looks good, we received a new one when the kitchen was done but it has only been used twice, we use our air fryer/oven instead

  17. Get the things you want and plan for. Things will be much more successful.

  18. Yay....your stove is hooked up. It is very nice and I know you can't wait to get in there and cook. hopefully that stone will pass with no real pain. My husband had to have 12 stones removed about 6 months ago. those things can really be super painful. Enjoy your stove

  19. Wow that is one snazzy stove you've got there.
    Sorry your vacation plans did not work out, but perhaps they will in the future.
    In the meantime, get well everybody and take it easy.

  20. Our stove is old and sometimes I have to bang on the front ( most used) element to get it to work. I dread having to get used to a new stove so for now I'll keep using my cast iron pan to clout it when it needs it.
    I sure hope FG's kidney stone is gone.

  21. What a fabulous stove!! So glad you are hooked up and ready to go. Dinner sounds delicious! Sometimes things are meant to be. I really resent spending money on what I need instead of what I want sometimes, LOL. But I get over it.

  22. Beautiful stove!!! I hope Far Guy passed that stone. I've always believed that there is no such thing as coincidence...things happen for a reason. The problems come about when we don't pay attention to those "hints"! You were smart to pay attention. Sorry you didn't get a vacation but that stove is a stunner!


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