Thursday, May 30, 2024

Mud Holes

 Sometimes you cannot avoid all the muds holes in life.

Great Niece Aubrey has to have another bone graft surgery, this will be her 10th or 11th surgery.  Of course we want her to have the best possible outcome when they do her big surgery next year.

Great Niece Ava broke her leg while playing will be Friday.

My Uncle Al has just weeks to live according to his Hospice nurses.    I will visit him one day soon. 

Yup mud holes. 

Far Side

Update Ava's surgery was a success. Her leg should heal:)


  1. So sorry to hear about your great niece and uncle. Potholes can often be an understatement.

  2. Mudholes are really a better description than me saying speed bumps of life. Their issues definitely get you down in the mire and muck. Speedbumps are just little irritations. Praying quick healing for the girls and a peaceful painfree transition for the uncle - - - with quality time with loved ones until then.

  3. Sory to hear of all of this. Praying for some peace for you all.

  4. Oh Connie...I'm so sorry about your Uncle. Sending prayer...
    And praying for your niece's surgery!
    Big hugs to you!!

  5. Oh my - hopefully your uncle has peaceful last weeks. I'm sure he will appreciate a visit.

  6. Definitely mud holes of life. Some you can hope over, others you have to plow right through.

  7. Oh dear, I do hope both girls come through their surgery with good outcomes.

    My best wishes to your Uncle Al - may he have a peaceful transition.

  8. I'm sorry about your Uncle Al and about the girls' surgeries too. Life does seem to have had a LOT of mudholes recently. I'm tired. Still praying for you and Far Guy to feel better and better with each new day.

  9. I'm really sorry. It just seems to keep coming for you. Too many mud holes.

  10. Wow. That's a lot, especially on top of your own health issues. Sending you strong vibes, and good thoughts, to everyone in your family. Also hugs. Sometimes hugs help.

  11. Life is full of such mud holes, what really sucks is when one is deeper the we thought and we feel like we are being sucked into it

  12. My puddles seem trite compared to yours. Hoping for the best possible outcomes for all of your muddied family members.

  13. So sorry about your uncle and your dear nieces. I hope their surgeries go well and that your uncle has a peaceful passing.

  14. So sorry to hear about all the catastrophic things happening in your family. They are never easy. I pray for all of them.

  15. Life is not for the faint of heart...from one minute to the next we never know what's in store for us. I pray they find peace, heal, and/or both.

  16. Prayers for your family....the power of prayer is so great.


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