Wednesday, May 1, 2024

May Baskets 2024

 I finished the May Baskets last night most will get delivered today and a few tomorrow. 

Most everyone guessed correctly!  Sheep!

They turned out pretty cute! 
 I got Far Guy out of the hospital in the afternoon and we got home just in time for the delivery of our new stove.  The delivery people do not connect anything.  The HVAC guy will be here today to see if he can make the connections for the vent work...if not I will call the store and have them come for an undelivery. 

Far Guy is doing so so...he felt great in the hospital...coming home he is up and about a bit more so he doesn't feel so great.  The goal is to keep a fluid level without shortness of breath and swelling feet. Sounds simple enough but it is a fine balancing act.  He lost six pounds overnight in the hospital. 

One day at a time.  Hopefully we will get the stove situation taken care of and then perhaps we can be quiet and calm for a couple of weeks. 
Far Side


  1. The baskets are adorable. I would like to lose 6 pounds overnight but not in that kind of situation, yikes. Hope your mister feels better soon. That's hard on us Mrs too, in lots of different worrying ways.

  2. I hope your hubby continues to do well! Sending a prayer!
    Love the baskets...too cute.

  3. Good luck with the stove. It is so annoying to have to call in more than one guy to do, what I would think, is a single job.

    Wishing Far Guy continued recovery at home.

  4. Hope all situations get taken care of (including Far Guy).

  5. They turned out really cute! Hopefully Far Guy starts to feel better. That's not good that they don't install for you. I like undelivered, clever!

  6. Thankful always for a FG update. Life is difficult and frustrating with limitations for sure. Praying he can find the balance so he can enjoy better quality of life.
    The baskets are super cute!! Adorable for sure but we would expect nothing less from you. You are bringing smiles to faces today!

  7. You had some good and some bad. I hope Far Guy continues to make progress.

  8. Hoping that the tune up worked with his breathing and that you get the stove situation squared away.

  9. Prayers, prayers and MANY Prayers for you and FarGuy

  10. Peace and quiet is just what both of you need. You've had a whirlwind of a Winter and Spring. The May baskets are darling....I guessed a chicken....I was way off! LOL!

  11. The lamb baskets are so cute! You make the best May baskets.

    Glad FarGuy is home. I hope you figure out the balance to keep him feeling decent.

    I also hope you can figure out how to get the new stove installed. Or the HVAC person can. You guys need some down time. :)

  12. Super cute baskets! Sorry that your guy is not well. Hard to enjoy life when you feel crummy. Seems like it is one thing or another lately. May brings warmer weather, sunshine & wishes for feeling better.

  13. I love your May Day baskets. Everyone who receives one will marvel at your work.

    I think I need an oil change. Can’t work or even go very long. Hope Far Guy is able to enjoy a few pleasures.

  14. Good to hear he is home and doing better, like the sheep baskets

  15. I love the baskets! And also glad to hear FG is home and not in the hospital. You are both on my mind many times a day.

  16. The baskets are even cuter than I imagined!!! Glad to hear Far Guy is home - you are right, just need to hit that perfect balance.

    Why is replacing an appliance so hard? Grrrr. Why couldn't they hook it up? Why didn't they ask ahead if you needed them to hook it up? (and I would think 99.9% of the time you would need help with hook up). Geeesh.

  17. You don't need electrical complications.
    Sending hugs.

  18. Praying for far guy.....hoping all goes well. Love your lambs! Lucky folks who get your May Baskets!


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