Saturday, May 25, 2024

Hoary Puccoon

 The Hoary Puccoon or Lithrospermum canescens ( doesn't that roll right off your tongue!) is blooming in the ditches now.  It is a small plant about six inches tall...if in a shady spot they can be taller.  The roots can be used as a dye...a natural red dye.  However that would mean digging it up and wildflowers should be left to bloom where they live:)

Far Guy is doing okay.  Together we are an awesome team.

  I am on day 10 or 11 of withdrawal from the drug from Hell Cymbalta.   My Arthritis pain increases by the there is hope that withdrawal symptoms will be over soon...nausea, fatigue and tremors are still present along with the pain...and yes my Doctor knows of my withdrawal symptoms. 

 I try to do as much around the house/yard as I can everyday.   My blood pressure seems to be responding due to the discontinuation of another med that I have been taking for years. 

Back to being like Thumper " If ya can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all." 

The rain has been wonderful!

Far Side


  1. Oh no! I'm sorry you're in pain! What will you take for pain after you are winged off Cymbalta?
    Big hug to you!! Glad hubby is doing well...

  2. Lithospermums I know. There’s a fabulous blue flowered variety I would love to have in my garden, but what a strange name Puccoon is. I wonder where that came from.
    Continuing to wish you better health and less pain x

  3. so sorry to hear of the challenges you and far guy face. you are not alone and by mentioning them, it gives others solace in know they are not alone. so many struggle each day and sharing our struggles only makes us human. my mother cared for my chronically ill father at home many years, but it is a labor of love for those we hold dear.

  4. I agree with Thumper, I wish more people would follow that rule. Especially with the elections coming up, it is going to be a while year.

  5. Sounds like you're getting there, slowly. What a trudge it's been, though. Sending you lots of virtual hugs.

  6. "However that would mean digging it up and wildflowers should be left to bloom where they live:)"

    Amen to that!

    I had no idea about Cymbalta. Oy vey. It sounds terrible. What is it supposed to help?

  7. Shoot, I was hoping that the pain and symptoms of withdrawal were lessening based on your last post. Instead, you're soldiering on in spite of it. I continue to hope that the worst of it will be soon behind you, and you're able to find a different med that will relieve the arthritis pain.

    Interesting wildflower - not one I'm familiar with. I do agree, wildflowers should remain where they belong, in the wild.

  8. It's hard for me to understand why it takes so long to withdraw from that drug. Yikes! So once the symptoms are gone, and you are back to LOTS of arthritis pain I sure hope your doctor figures out a different pain reliever for you.

  9. My prayers are still with you and Far Guy!!!

  10. The benefits of some medications is doubtful and as in your case , harmful.

  11. Sandi, Yes Cymbalta took care of 90 % of my Arthritis pain.

  12. Whoo boy! I hope I never have to withdraw from Cymbalta. I take the maximum dose per day for my back spasms and pain. I can't imagine going through what you have. Now, reading about your trials, I wish I had never started taking it. I do appreciate the fact that I can do much, much more since I've been taking it though.
    I'm glad you're getting rain. We're supposed to have another round of storms tonight but the weather guy says the system is changing and June should be much quieter. I sure hope so, May has been awful.
    Blessings and hugs,

  13. In total agreement about leaving the wild flowers alone. I sure hope the withdrawal symptoms are soon gone so you can get a different pain med. My life has changed since I went on Celebrex. Good to know FG is doing ok. You are a team!

  14. I was prescribed Lyrica when I had shingles. I had a horrible time for weeks which was mostly attributed to my acute shingles. But I wasn't getting better. I was listening to the tv late one night or early one morning (like 2am) and a commercial came on for Lyrica. And it was repeated twice. I had every side effect they listed, including the insomnia and double vision which was why I was listening to tv at 2am.
    I had to be slowly weaned from the Lyrica and it was a nightmare. At thr time I was slowly recovering from the shingles. Not an experience I want to repeat.
    I wish you speed in your weaning from Cymbalta. It is crazy how some drugs that benefit people so much can be a nightmare for others. My BIL has horrible diabetic food pain alleviated only by Lyrica.

  15. Thank you for telling us how you really are sometimes. I need to know how you are doing as you fight the good fight.
    Love the little yellow wild flower. We should all learn to bloom where we are.

  16. I've been away for awhile, checking in and it sounds like there is trouble afoot and other joints as well. Hope you are grinning at my pun. I will try better to keep up with you now. Which I doubt I could do physically as much as you do all the time. You make me tired just to read what you have done. ;)
    Take care you two, big hugs and smiles for you.

  17. Oh, dear Connie...I feel your pain! Not now, but for those months of RA when I first got it and I couldn't open a door or brush my hair. I had to walk around with one of those rubber jar openers to be able to do anything. I hope they get you on something that will help you.
    I think we have that plant here. As soon as the cicadas leave I'm going to start walking again. Take care!

  18. I can't imagine how you cope. I hope you begin to feel less awful very soon.

  19. I feel the same about dye flowers and mushrooms. At very least I hate to see them over harvested. I'm so sorry you are struggling with the drug issue. I've heard so many horror stories lately. :-(

  20. Oh no! I thought maybe you'd be finally feeling better and not still dealing with withdrawal symptoms. Soon, I hope, it will be behind you. Glad FarGuy is doing okay. You two are a great team. Best to you this holiday weekend. :)

  21. Praying for you dear Connie. What terrible trials you are going through. Sure hope all those pains from the withdrawal of that med, end soon. How horrible it sounds. May you both be on the solid path of wellness soon!

  22. Those are cool flowers. I have something similar coming up in my wildflower garden but don't know if these are it.

    Sorry you are still going through the withdrawal effects of that med. Not to top it off but with all that pain returning.


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