Sunday, February 18, 2024

Little Valentines

 We had belated Valentines here one evening as the Great Grandchildren needed a babysitter or two when their parents went out to a company party. 

I had Valentines gifts for them that I bought a few weeks ago. Gotta love the dollar store that is now a dollar twenty five. 

Ree was having a bit of stranger danger.  Her Mom calls her Peach. 

Cee Cee

 Big smiles from Cee Cee and Hey Mikey.

They had a fun night, Cee Cee  ate all her brothers valentine candy and put hers in the fridge for the next time she visits.  They played video games and had snacks. 

Far Side


  1. Oh yes, the un-dollar store!

    Still it is a fun place to go into for things that are pretty cheap.

    Love all the smiles. Ree's look is something else!

  2. Cee Cee is my kind of girl! Eat yours save mine.

  3. They are all so adorable! I chuckled at Cee Cee eating her brother's candy and saving hers for another time. :)

  4. Valentine Little's are the best!!

  5. I love seeing that newest great-granddaughter. She really, to me, looks much like her mother and Far Guy, with those beautiful dark eyes. Thank you for sharing the photos of the kids!

  6. What cuties they are! It's amazing how little ones can lift your spirits even in the darkest of times. So glad you got to spend time with them.

  7. You were allowed to look after these characters? Aren't you lucky. I'll bet they thought it was the greatest.

  8. Sweet great-grandchildren. I wonder how Cee Cee got away with eating Mikey's candy!! She's a tricky one.

  9. Dis Hey Mikey know what she did? Clever girl! All three are adorable.

  10. What a great change of pace and focus after having to deal with death and dying. Happiness ans smiles are good things.
    Was Hey Mikey ok with having his candy eaten by CeeCee?

  11. The benefits of living nearby! Such joy.

  12. Hey Mikey said he didn't want candy, so his sister took full advantage of that!

  13. Great photos that made me smile and feel happy

  14. they are all such sweet kids with lots of energy. The have to lighten the emotions by seeing the next generations with smiling faces. When our grandkids come into the house at first it is like a tornado of energy.

  15. All the little people are growing fast. So cute!

  16. CeeCee really plans ahead--lol!
    They are growing so fast.

  17. The Great Grands are adorable. The Dollar Tree lost their building lease and closed here, and I really miss it.


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