Thursday, February 22, 2024


 Later today after Far Guy's infusion we leave to go back to our home in the woods to prepare for my Mother's celebration of life.  

This is a very small photo that was folded and damaged.  I was lucky to find it in the bottom of a photo box.  There are very few photos of my Grandparents with their children in the 1930's.  Grandma is holding Vivian or "Skippy" as she would be known, and Grandpa, down in front is my Mom, Marion and Alfred.  I can date the photo as it is summer time. My Aunt Skippy was born in November of 1933 so this photo must be taken in 1934. My Mom would have been 4 years old soon to be 5, Aunt Marion 3 years old and Uncle Alfred 6 years old. My Grandmother would have been 23 and my grandfather 31 years old. My Mother was the remnant in this photo with the first four children born to my grandparents.  

My Mother is survived by two much younger brothers...Aldon and Kenny. 

Far Side


  1. I studied the photo and am so glad you were able to salvage it. Looks like it was torn in two but you got it back together. I guess people liked to have their photos taken in front of their cars back then.

  2. oh my old photos are rich treasures...can't have enough

  3. I wish we had old photos like that of our grandparents. The only ones I am aware of are ones take in the 60's when they were much older. Love seeing the old cars in the background as well.

  4. Aw! That is a sweet photo. All the best.

  5. That is a wonderful photo despite the damage and considering it is 90 years old.

    Safe travels.

  6. I love the picture. They look like their dressed in their Sunday best!

  7. Some of those photos lived a rough life.

  8. Glad you found this photo....I love seeing the older photos especially with grandparents and great grandparents. Continued prayers.

  9. Thinking of you as you prepare to celebrate your mother's life.

  10. It's really good you have this photo of your grandparents. I appreciate all the photos I have of mine.

  11. Priceless. Glad you salvaged it. I love how people were always taking photos in front of cars, homes, and farm equipment or even horses back then. They used to dress up for family photos, too. We often had a photo taken on Easter before we went to church--before the kids got all dirty and rumpled looking--lol! Lots of memories. Enjoy being back in the country.

  12. I have came across some old photos of family members but have no ieea who they are due to nothing being written on them, the ones of mum I can tell that's it her most of the time

  13. What a wonderful photo...too bad it got torn but it's clear to see everyone. You are so lucky to have so many family photos.

  14. The photo is a treasure. Wishing you safe travel as you drive south.

  15. What a treasured photo to have. Thinking of you and your family this weekend.

  16. I love your old family picture! May your family be at peace in the activities of this week. God bless you all. Give your Mom a beautiful send-off!

  17. My husband's sister and daughter have all of his family photos. I think I have one or two of my mom.

    These old shots are so incredible.

    Still thinking of you.

  18. Old family photos are precious. I only have one photo of one of my grandmothers. Your photo is a treasure.

  19. I am glad you found the photos of your grandparents. If I add things up there must have been seven in the family.


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