Friday, February 2, 2024

Book Club: February 2024

 We had book club yesterday.  Breakfast with Buddha by Roland Merullo.

I was not thrilled with the book, I gave it two stars out of ten.  There are three more books in the series and no one in book club was excited to read them. 

Far Side


  1. Well, I've been reading some 'recommended' books too and sometimes it takes me forever to get through them. A 2 out of 10 would make me do a hard pass!

    Sometimes my taste lies in lots of mystery and action, I love who-dunnits best.

  2. Even the title isn't very interesting. :-)

  3. That certainly says something about the book. I'll give a pass should I come across it.

  4. That's too bad. I'll skip this one, then.

  5. Hmmm - sounds like a book to avoid when no one enjoyed it.

  6. Don't think I will be reading this one. I'm in the middle of a series that I've read several times before, but I enjoy them every time. The author is Dee Henderson and it's the O'Malley series. They are christian true crime books about the siblings in a family. I sure enjoy them.

  7. Goodness sakes! Not anyone in the book club was enthusiastic...a definite book club fail.

  8. I'm reading a boring series right now also---I can't seem to find anything to really stir my interest.

  9. We all read books that don't do much for us and some we jus tgive up and don't bother with

  10. Life's too short to read uninteresting books!

  11. ThinK I will pass on this one. thankful for the review.

  12. Thanks for the warning! At my age, I can't waste time on bad books or bad movies! LOL!


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