Thursday, February 29, 2024

The Flu marches on

 Now I have the freaking Influenza A.  A message to my Doctor and I am now on Tamiflu.  I am resting mostly sleeping, Little Elvis keeps me company.  I saw a Dr on Monday afternoon for a UTI...he had to run a culture...48 hours later yes it is a UTI.  ( I told him it was...but you have to jump through the hoops. )

When it rains it pours. 

Far Guy is a bit better today, I text him as his voice gives out when talking.  Jen visits him.  He won't bust out of there until Friday or Saturday most likely.  They keep trying to give him that nebulizer that made him so ill....I sent in the script label and his regular med to be verified by the pharmacists there. 

Apparently the flu is on a rampage in this area, Granddaughter Maddie came down with it this morning. 

Far Side


  1. Oh no! Poor you. And poor Far Guy. Why are doctors always so keen to treat you with a different medication from the one you normally have and you know that it works?

  2. in general most healthcare providers cringe when a patient tells them what is wrong, even in some cases the patient is right. doctors don't give patients the credit for knowing their own bodies, esp for 'experienced' aka older ones

  3. Gosh, I sure hope you will be better soon. What an awful time in your neck of the woods right now. And glad to hear FG is a little better and fighting off that nebulizer.

  4. Oh dear - you need to take good care of yourself. My daughter (RT) said lots of Influenza A & B is going around. She and Mason had B last week.

  5. So sorry you both are suffering, but I would bet that with so many different people around you, plus just being tired, you were susceptible to many illnesses. Stay warm, hydrated and quiet!

  6. Hope everyone is better soon.

  7. Oh shoot, I do hope you recover quickly. It certainly sounds like there are a lot of bugs floating around.

    Hopefully Far Guy will be home soon too.

  8. I am so sorry for you all going through the Flu in your area. It ran wild in TN a month or two ago. It caused us to avoid our grandchildren for a month. The hospitals had a shortage of available beds.
    You are amazing - - - even with all you had/have happening in your life and also being sick yourself, you are still able to care for your precious husband by communication for his medicines.
    You might need to have Jen make a huge sign to put over the head of his bed to specify they are NOT to give him a certain med - - only what is on his chart. We had to do something similar with my mom at one point.
    It beyond aggravates me that medical personnel won't listen to what we say and think we don't know what we are talking about. I am not saying we have more schooling and the paper to prove it but we have more education on our condition because we have researched it Extensively.
    Very thankful you were in town with Jen and not at home during the blizzard. Prayers for all to get well quickly and hopefully not many more will contract it. It is too easily transmitted for sure.

  9. Tough that both of you have the flu and I hope both of you recover quickly. Most of us don't think about the flu until we have it.

  10. I am really sorry. This must be a strong strain of flu. I wouldn't want a repeat of that nebulizer, either. Hope you all get better soon.

  11. Sorry this is happening to you after all the recent stress. Sending healing prayers.

  12. OMGosh! The flu and a UTI! So much going around. Now Maddie, too.
    McFamily is still sick over here also. Has not been an easy winter for so many people. I hope you all feel much better soon!!

  13. Connie, I'm so sorry that you and Far Guy both have influenza. I hope they get things straightened out there with his medicines. I really think that Dennis and I had (have) the same thing but weren't smart enough to get tested and get Tamiflu so it's hanging on. We're both exhausted. Mom has it too.
    I've been following all of your posts and you have my love and sympathy in the passing of your Mom. Her service sounds much like my Mom's was. No one could believe how many people there were there. She was such a simple person who loved everyone. It was standing room only. Your Mom sounds like the same type of person.
    I'm glad you have such a wonderful loving family to support each other. You are blessed my friend.
    I've been praying for you through it all. I hope you've felt those prayers and the love that's accompanied it.
    Blessings and hugs,

  14. Yeah it never rains it pours, UTI's are horrible had a few in my time and of course doctors think we know nothing but we often know our bodies better then they do, glad Far Guy is improving

  15. I am so sorry! It is a tough time of year.

  16. all have had about enough I would say! In our area medicine is scarce and surgeries are being cancelled. Sending Prayers for a fast recovery. Hopefully you can get some rest. My Doctor told me to take high amounts of vitamin C and elderberry ginger and garlic to stave off colds and flu. We have been ok so far!

  17. Keep on getting better, and keep on telling the Docs what to do.

  18. Oh sorry to hear that you are now sick too. I will add you to my prayer list, along with your Maddie too. Praying you all get well soon.

  19. Good news that Far Guy is a little better but now you have the flu too.
    Sending you lots of sympathy.

  20. Yikes. What a horrible double whammy for you guys. I know there is the 'flu' hitting hard all over the place.
    That Neb medicine can be awful on some folks depending on how one reacts.
    Well, you know, any meds.

    My Grandson and his whole family has come down with something similar this week. It is hitting them very hard and they are young folks.

    I'm so sorry this is going on.

  21. Oh no... you are so right... when it rains, it pours. Sometimes I just shake my head at the hoops one has to jump through when common sense should be enough! Hope you are both feeling much better very soon.

  22. The mention of the word flu is discouraging. I am sorry that you caught it. Far Guy in the hospital is the best place to be. I hope you can get over it quickly.

  23. Oh my...I am so glad you are there with Jen and Andy. You have been through so much. There are lots of people getting covid too. Be careful out there and take care of yourselves.


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