Monday, February 26, 2024

Yarn Project

 I bought some yarn...imagine that. 

Might be a baby blanket someday.  I have just a few someday projects. 

Jen asked me one day if I had projects in mind for all of my yarn, like did I have a list?  

Not so much.

Far Side


  1. We all need something to keep our minds and creativity going.

    You are a magician with yarn.

  2. Don't we all have ideas for our yarn stash? At least when we purchase the yarn, :)

    A list, though, not likely.

  3. You have to have "stash" just in case you are stuck inside and can't get to the store. One just never knows when the urge to create might strike and you need to be ready! Does Jen have plans for all her fabric? If so, she is a better woman than I! LOL!

  4. I was thinking about going to buy some more yarn. I have not crocheted any dishcloths in a while and picked that back up so I will not just be a couch potato in front of the TV. Well - - I do jigsaws on my iPad sometimes, too which helps me relax. Somehow or other, this year has required a bit more downtime to have enough energy for the entire day.

  5. That yarn looks perfect for a baby blanket.
    I certainly don't have a list of plans for everything in my studio--lol! And I like lists. ;)

  6. My mother had a neighbor who continuously bought fabric for quilting. She had dozens of large plastic tubs full of it. She never once made a quilt! At least you use your yarn stash.

  7. It will be nice to have that yarn on hand for when inspiration suddenly hits you.
    It's very pretty and springish.

  8. One must have stash and later you can decide what you want to make with it. Generally it speaks to you and tells you what it wants to become.

  9. My mum would often buy wool for a someday project

  10. Being spontaneous is far more fun that being a list maker. Shopping for yarn is good therapy. We were so warm today and snow is coming on Wednesday.


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