Monday, February 19, 2024


 I am working on the Video for my Mother's funeral at the end of the week.  I am waiting on a few photos and then maybe I can call it done.  I have a limit of about 100 photos. 

Had lunch yesterday with Far Guy and my other baby brother and she who sees robins first...they were on their way back from Western North Dakota. 

Today I will work on the photo boards for the funeral, I picked up possibly the last batch of photos at Walmart yesterday. 

I did some laundry and finished a book. 

1963 photo, me in some of those fashionable stretch pants, my other baby brother, Mom and my baby brother.  The dog was a Spitz named Chipper...or maybe it is Wally.  Chipper went out on the highway and was killed, Wally lived a good life and died about 1974

Far Side


  1. I was confused about which one was you and which one your mother, until I studied the picture for the stretch pant. Very cool old picture. You are working hard to make a memorable gatehring for your mom. I know it will go well.

  2. It's wonderful that you have so many photos of your family and your history.

  3. You really keep busy to get all this done.

  4. You do have a strong resemblance to your mom. Ah, those stretch pants!

  5. Lovely photo! I'm certain the video and photo boards will be a real treat for everyone who attends.

    While the funeral will be a solemn occasion, do enjoy visiting with your family and friends.

  6. My heart is with you as you prepare for your mom's service. I know that this is a difficult week.

  7. A labor of love. Everyone will enjoy seeing and revisiting memorable times.

  8. I bet you have lots of wonderful pictures to choose from.

  9. Sadly sometimes the only time some photos are seen by others in a family is a funeral, my sister in-law Leigh did the photo slides for both my parents funeral I don't think I could have managed it

  10. What a trip down memory lane you are having. I hope it helps with the loss.

  11. That's a nice picture of your Mom with you and your brothers. ( I rather liked those stretch pants and had several pairs).

  12. Pictures help hold memories. I look your stylish look.

  13. I really appreciate the slide shows at funerals these days. Thanks for all your hard work.

    Our neighbor died a few weeks ago. We met them when he left the military and moved with their children to our neighborhood (oh, maybe 40 years ago). We really enjoyed seeing him as a child and their wedding pictures, as well as photos of the boys as babies and toddlers.

    Saturday I attended a viewing of a former co-worker/friend. The photos of our working days and her children when young were such pleasant memories. I appreciated her family sharing them.

    Prayers for strength as you finish the project and for the funeral.

  14. Those old photos bring back so many memories.

    When my MIL passed away we finally went through all of her old photo albums and scanned all of the photos. Wish we would have done some of that when she was alive so we could have talked to her about the people and places in the photos.

  15. I remember those stretch pants. I Loved how my foot would hold my pants tight!

  16. I remember those stretch pants with the foot strap built in. You also had a very fashionable neck scarf!

    Sad that these are the times people are more likely to go through the old photos. Sounds like your family has many more than we ever had taken. Cute little dog, BTW.

    Best to your whole family.


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