Monday, February 5, 2024

Busy Weekend

 Saturday was a catch all day, I had a Hobby Lobby list, taxes to get together so they are ready to go to the accountant and being the chief cook and a painters assistant rounded out the day.   I made a Gluten Free Apple Pancake that you put in the oven. 

Sunday we plan to go visit my Mom in the Nursing Home.  She is struggling with back pain. 

The only school photo of my Mom. She was most likely 7 or 8 in the photo. Taken about 1936 or 1937.

Far Side


  1. Your mom was born 2-3 years after mine who have been gone for 20 years now. Sometimes it is hard to imagine they could still be around.

  2. Your mom is cute in this school photo. Bless her heart, back pain can be so difficult and more so as we get older. Prayers for her. Hobby Lobby is one of my favs. I haven't been since before Christmas. They always have the cutest things. Tax day for me today....I like to get it done early. Have a great Monday...

  3. Your mom is cute and looks like she was an active child or at least met each day with much interest? It's just the look in her eyes - - - reminds me a bit of my younger grandson's eyes. And I may be completely wrong but it's my first impression.

  4. Love that photo of your Mom. I'm so sorry she's dealing with back pain, I think that's one of the worst places to hurt.
    Dennis got me a nice Hobby Lobby gift card for Christmas. I haven't been there since. I've wanted to go but avoided it because I don't want to waste the gift card just buying "stuff".
    Have a great Monday my friend.

  5. The photo of your Mom is a great one to have.

  6. Saturday was a catch up day for me too! I read a book after catching up.LOL...

    Hopefully your mom's back will feel better.

    Great photo of your mom!

  7. OMGoodness! I never even thought about it, but I never saw pictures of either of my parents when they were little. No baby pictures or school pictures--nothing. Maybe it was more rare in the 20s and 30s? This is a treasure!! She looks so cute.

  8. What a cute photo to have of her as a child. I have only 1 school photo of my dad - about the same age and about the same time frame. Actually it's the only photo I've ever seen of him as a kid so it's extra special.

  9. Tell your Mom, “Hello!” from Wyoming! Sent tax papers to the accountant today: I’m glad to have that chore off of my list.

  10. I'm sorry your mom is feeling poorly. Hopefully the back pain can be managed.

    Your mom and mine would have been contemporaries - my mom was born in 1928. The earliest photo I have of her was for her Grade 12 graduation.

  11. That is a wonderful picture of your Mom. I love the older photographs and cherish the family ones I have. I hope your Mom finds some relief for her back pain. That can be especially difficult to deal with.

  12. Lovely photo of your mum when I look at some if the photos of my mum as a child I wonder if she realises how pretty she was. Sadly I don't have many if any of my dad as a child

  13. Back pain is hard to deal with.
    The panckae souns like a Dutch baby, maybe?

  14. Nice picture of your Mom way back in the 30's. Sadly I don't have any of my Mom until she was 16 or so. Have a great week.

  15. What a cute picture of your mom! I hope you have a great visit with her and that she gets some help for her back pain. Back pain is so awful.
    Hope your roads are nice and clear for driving there too.

  16. I love seeing your little Mom when she was young. Our outer self ages but our inner self stays as we were. This is still “Mom”.

  17. I have several photos of my mom's country school students of the 1930's. Your photo of your mom looks just like her. It is good the weather allows to hop back and forth.

  18. So sweet! We were all so cute when we were young....what happened? LOL!
    So sorry that your Mom is in pain...I hope they are giving her something for it. You shouldn't have to suffer when you've made it that far!


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