Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Influenza A

 Far Guy got sick on Monday evening, he started to cough, he had a miserable night.  In the early morning after his breathing treatments, I sent a text to Jen and Andy that we needed to go to the ER.  They were both home because school was cancelled on account of the blizzard.  Andy had to move some snow so we could get the car as close to the house as possible.  It was snowing and the wind was blowing.  We made it to the hospital just fine, there were huge snow drifts outside the emergency entrance...I got out and waded through the drifts dodging a bobcat removing snow to get a wheel chair, one of the ambulance bays was open and a Paramedic hollered "what do you need" I hollered back " a wheelchair" and made a pushing motion...he said drive in the we did and got Far Guy inside. 

Far Guy has Influenza A and possible pneumonia...his blood work is all off.  The are doing blood cultures.  Anyway he got steroids, tamiflu and doxicycline and some IV antibiotics, and some nebulizer treatments.  They gave him a different neb than he is used to that made his lungs spasm.  It was touch and go there for a bit until we got a respiratory therapist to get him back on the right track again. Far Guy said" They are trying to kill me, just dump me out in the snowbank." 

He finally got a hospital room 7 plus hours after we arrived.  I visited him until 9PM last night and he was doing much better. 

One day at a time, he will be in the hospital a few days.

He had his Flu shot back in October, the Doctor said with lungs as bad as his any virus can tip him over the edge and require a hospital stay.

Far Side


  1. Oh my, I'm glad you were able to get Far Guy to the hospital for treatment. Wishing him all the best as he recovers.

  2. Connie, sending good thoughts Far Guy's way that he will make a quick recovery. Take care of yourself too.

    I can only say I exactly understand the frustrations, fear, and issues facing FG.
    I am thinking of you both.

    Gosh all this and a blizzard too.

    Hugs from here.

  4. My heart and prayers go out to you. I know you are also tired and very concerned. Super thankful you were able to get him to the hospital when you did. It sounds like they have very knowledgeable medical personnel there. Praying he recovers quickly and without more issues - - - and that you and your family do not also catch it. Please make sure you are eating and drinking well to keep your strength up. I know sleeping may be difficult during the day but hope you are able if you need to.

  5. Hope he turns the corner now that he is in the hospital. Sounds like quite the adventure just trying to get him there!

  6. These sorts of things never seem to happen when it is sunny and warm. Glad to know he is better and in good hands.

  7. Oh my - I hope every day brings more improvement for him! My daughter (the respiratory therapist) and her middle school boy have both been home with Influenza B for a week. Mason did go back to school yesterday, but definitely not feeling back to normal yet. She had her flu shot, but she said this has really "kicked her butt". I hope FG keeps improving. I'm sure he's in good hands.

  8. I'm so sorry. You've had an awful lot to bear recently, let's hope FG has already had the worst of it and quickly recovers.

  9. I hope all goes well for Far Guy. It's always a worry and when there's a blizzard it's much worse.

  10. Oh my goodness! So glad you were able to get help for FG. And all the snow you got up north!!! Sending good thoughts your way.


  11. Oh my goodness what an ordeal! So glad you managed to get him there in that weather. Sending up healing prayers for him. And you take care of yourself too!

  12. Oh gosh! My prayers and thoughts and get wells are with FarGuy and you! Praying he gets well quickly and can get home. I'm glad you were with people who can help YOU!

  13. Frightening! Sending Far Guy get well wishes from afar!!

  14. OMG! Here I thought you were going to be able to stay in and be cozy during the storm....not so much. How scary for all of you and poor Far Guy and on top of it all having his lungs heart goes out to both of you. Thank goodness you have Jen and Andy there to help out. Take care of yourselves.

  15. Having to get to the hospital during a blizzard--OMGosh! Glad he got the specialist who was familiar with him and knew what to do. I pray FarGuy gets stabilized and better quickly and is home soon. *love and hugs*

  16. Sending lots of good healing thoughts - hope the hospital stay is a short one

  17. I am so sorry that Far Guy has the flu. Sure made it difficult for your guys with the snow and wind, but thankfully you made it to the ER. Hope he quickly improves and gets back home to his comfy place. Thinking of you both.

  18. Prayers. I am glad they have him back on track. One day at a time. What a scary bunch of hours. So glad you were back up North with your wonderful family and close to the hospital. Mother Nature sure didn't help much. And that goodness his vaccine did help a little, allowing you to get to the hospital for help. Please take care of yourself, too.

  19. Oh dear, this is very troubling! Glad you got to the hospital, but really, they should know what drugs he's on and what works and not use something different. We have been having that experience too. Bruce has been to ER 2x in the past couple months, and each time we have to explain everything (though his records are there) and the doctors always think they should tweak his meds, which we have spent months getting just right. And if you don't speak up or have someone speaking up for you things can go off the rails pretty quick. I will keep you both in my prayers.

  20. When I hear stories of conditions as severe as his, or yours, I guit complaing about mine for a while.
    I care very much what happens to you two. Lots of us do. Take it slow and easy.

  21. A trip to the hospital in such weather isn't good but at least he is getting treatment which is good, my daughter has had Influenza A a few times and it hasn't been nice but being sick is never nice

  22. Oh no! Poor Far Guy. And poor you. We are not long home from Switzerland where my stepson has a lovely flat in the mountains. My husband was rushed to hospital twice and spent two weeks of our so-called holiday being treated (in French) for a frightening lung problem. I know how hard waiting is and send you all my very best wishes to you both.

  23. How incredibly scaring for all of you but especially Far Guy. Getting to the ER in the blizzard must have been so difficult but thankfully you made it. I hope and pray Far guy is soon on the mend.

  24. He needed a guardian angel and you took up the reins and filled in. So scary, but I do hope it all turns out well. Sending much love and healing prayers.

  25. Praying for Far Guy! Hoping the the Lord will bless him with a quick recovery and short hospital stay. Take care of yourself also.

  26. Oh so sorry to hear about Far Guy. What a battle to get him into the ER and then finally into a room. Whew. Praying for him that they can get him well so he can go back to Jen's soon. Our son-in-law just went into the hospital in Wisconsin yesterday with pneumonia. Praying hard to get them both back out and doing well soon! Take good care of yourself too Connie.

  27. That was a horrible situation and I am glad you got him into the hospital. Far Guy is right as the prick and stick with all sorts of things one wonders if they are trying to take you out. My two nights at the hospital were both nightmarish times as covid was going on and I was left with tremors and no one to address the issue and I was all alone.I was not allowed to have wife there and nurses either for the most part. I hope that some of those meds can get some stability in his condition fast.

  28. So sorry to hear about Far Guy being so ill. Prayers that he is improving every day and will soon be back home.

  29. Oh, my goodness...what a time you have had...and I know I have not went to the very beginning of heart goes out to you. And for you to be sick, too.


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