Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The Messenger

Yesterday, I traveled "home" and helped out where I could. Everyone is exhausted, so I tried to stay out of the way. The Four met at the Church, had lunch, cleaned out the room, and started to clean out the garage. One more garage trip should do it, but they have the unit for a little longer. Grandma still had lots of stuff, and as an avid material hoarder collector there are more than "just a few totes" of fabric to go through. However, they did manage to locate the blue bird quilt which has a special purpose for the funeral, and Grandpa's "missing" quilt of valor -- bottom of a tote of "finished" products way in the back corner of the garage. No wonder no one could find it when they looked the last time. 

No one really wants to claim Grandma's things. Fractured conversations..."This should go to your mom" and "how did I end up with this!" I am just the messenger. 

Then the Four split up, some to the funeral home to pick out an urn, flowers, groceries, and finally home. Now to arrange travel for some, meals, picture boards, and what I hope for everyone is a bit of self care. Take a nap, read a book, watch a ball game, and pet your horse. 


  1. Thank you for keeping us informed. I know I speak for all, that we are thinking of Connie and the entire family at this time. It isn't easy for certain and some time for self-care is a good idea.

  2. I have found it best to sit on such things for awhile before sorting through them. When going through my mom's stuff, we didn't fully sort through all of it until four years after her death. For my grandmother, she was living with my uncle and he wanted to do something with her room and so we all met a month afterwards to go through it.

  3. Your family are go-getters and the best planners. You leave no stone un-turned but if you are like my family....staying busy and working is what keeps you sane in times of trouble. BTW...who has a horse? We all grieve differently and some times it is delayed....after everyone is gone and you have some space to yourself. Yes, be kind to yourselves and each other. Hugs to you all!

  4. Not so long ago we were walking that path with Dad. My brother is still having a hard time letting go. Give your Mum a hug from Karen.

  5. Self care seems to be the one thing that gets neglected during this time of grief. But it's so important. I'm sure your mom is appreciating your updates on her blog. And I know her readers do. Keeping your whole family in my prayers!

  6. Thank you so much for keeping us informed. We really do appreciate you. Hoping everyone gets some quiet time.

  7. There is lots to do, but with your big, loving family you will all see it through. Hugs to Connie.

  8. May you find comfort with your beautiful family.

  9. So much to do. Each thing has a memory.

  10. Keeping busy helps in our family, too.
    Self-care is important--yes. You are wise to even think of it.
    I'm glad you found the quilts.

  11. Thinking of you as you go through this final journey with your mom. And as always you are in my prayers, dear friend. And thanks for thinking about self care.

  12. Thinking of you all, I am sure you are great help and just being present I bet works well. I am learning that "adult times" like this are very hard and I spend a lot of time thinking. Hugs to you!

  13. God Bless You All, Dear Connie and Gene and your family.

  14. It is still a sad time but the busy things to do help to get through it all. I am glad they found the two special quilts. I had to close down my mom's sewing room and she too was a collector of many pieces of cloth. I hope all family members can settle, get some rest, and time to start over without Grandma. She will be there with everyone for the rest of everyone's life. Thanks for being a messenger.

  15. My prayers are with all of you. Life does get so difficult at times. Your family is so close that I know that you will hold each other up. I'm very glad those quilts have been found.
    Blessings and love,

  16. Sounds like everything is coming together. I like those self-care ideas. We all should probably do more of those things in our daily lives.

  17. Thank you for helping the “4”. I am praying for you all.

  18. Difficult times to fine one's way through but you will get there

  19. Connie, I am so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you, praying for all of your family. It's hard to let go of moms, no matter how long we've had them in our lives. Sending you big hugs.

  20. It's a lot, the death of a parent. You can only do what you can do on a daily basis. It will all eventually get done, but there must be quiet time to grieve in there as well. You are all in my thoughts.


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