Saturday, July 22, 2023


 Not the kind you find at a picnic wanting a free lunch...the mound building kind that pinch your skin and then spit a poison onto the pinch that stings. I know this.  It is painful and maddening! 

Ants are driving me nuts....or maybe more nuts.  

Field Ants start their infestation like this.  Looks harmless...some holes in the ground. 

 Pretty soon a mound appears and gets larger and larger. 

You can see one of my jars filled with borax and powdered sugar getting buried.   Buggers.  I have some new "stuff" to try...but I am not holding out hope. 

Then there are Corn Field Ants...maybe I will introduce you to them another day. 

Far Side


  1. We have fire ants. Very painful sting! I have tried numerous products and they just move to another area. Recently, I noticed Sevin dust works the best, but can’t put that over eight acres. Ants, aaarrrgh!

  2. Previous comment about fire ants is from RHill, TX

  3. Miserable creatures! I do hope you're able to get rid of, at least, some of them. Does pouring boiling water on the mounds do anything?

  4. They look rather aggressive, all right. I don't like ants and these look awful.

  5. I have never heard of those ants or the cornfield ones either. I've heard of fire ants which they have here in the South although I don't think we have them here. I know we have miner bees! Be careful!

  6. Not a fan of bugs. Especially this weekend. I just returned from Michigan where the Michigan Skeeters homed in on me and tried to ruin my vacation. I sprayed my bug spray but they must have found every random spot the spray missed - little areas the size of a needle. I have 7 random bites on various separate areas and they were swollen the size of ping pong balls. I have that special chemical that encourage ridiculous reactions to mosquitos. My largest expenditure for my vacation was 3 different itch/freezing/numbing sprays, 2 creams to slather on the bites and yet another tube of After Bite for emergencies. My daughter has a lovely picture of the family enjoying a seafood dinner on the deck of our VRBO overlooking the marina with me inside the house, behind a screen door.
    I wish you only the best with those meanie ants.

  7. These are amazing mounds built by tiny critters. Here these mounds are only in the bush. Yes I know the sting of ants found in the yard in my raspberry patch. Now I know the details of the sting.

  8. Oh my! Ants of any kind seem to be hard to get rid of, but that looks extra formidable!

  9. We have fire ants. They’re awful.

  10. I've had the tiny house ants. Makes me wonder where they come from.

  11. I wish you luck. Ants invade our house each spring. At some point I'm sometimes bitten by one and I have to take an antihistamine because the bite swells up. I hate them.

  12. I’ve tried it all from Borax to Seven to boiling water. At best any of those is temporary and they come right back. I finally hired a pest control guy who comes out with stuff I can’t buy without a license and sprays the outside perimeter of the house. He will also spot treat any mounds I flag within reach of his hose, using this method usually buys my three to four years of antless bliss.

  13. Stinging ants sound awful. Here I am being driven inside by mosquitoes and what I think are lace wing larva.

  14. I sure hope you find something that kills those ants.

  15. We have those same ants near my gazebo. They bite! We put diatomaceous earth on their holes so hopefully that will work.

  16. I hope you can get them. They are persistent.

  17. I have never been bitten by an ant. Sounds terrible!!
    From what Ed said--maybe hire pest control?

  18. Icky, icky ants! They don't look nice at all. I've never heard of them or the cornfield ones either. And I'm very, very glad.

  19. I am quite sure that ants rule the world!


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