Sunday, July 16, 2023

Not lost

 My Mom was not lost yesterday...she was with relatives who did not check her out of the facility.  After searching bathrooms and every place she could be one of the nurses said "she is gone with her daughter and son in law" ....hmmmm.  My sister is on vacation...and I knew where my brothers were....that left me and Far Guy was not with who in the world??

My cousin and her husband had taken her back to her assisted living apartment.  Not sure why? 

She was not lost...of course only she knew where she was.  

Needless to say I was a tad upset with her.   Hopefully once we get all her "stuff" moved to the nursing home and she surrenders her keys this won't happen anymore. 

Honestly it is like dealing with a naughty pre schooler who you want to send to the corner with one arm up and the opposite leg up...but of course at 93 years and 9 months old she would topple over. 

FYI one arm up and the opposite leg up used to be my favorite punishment for my girls...oh yes nose against the wall too:) 

Far Side


  1. My third grade teacher punished me with the nose against the blackboard in a circle in front of the class or in the corner in a chair with my back to the class. That was the year I learned how to make the class laugh without the teacher catching me. She and I didn't like each other. She started making me go out into the hallway. Was a better solution for both of us. ;)

    I would be so scared if my mom disappeared like that! Your cousin should know better than to not sign her out. Your mom should know that has to be done, too. Good grief! I'm glad she was okay...again.

  2. Oh dear, I bet that gave everyone a fright...except your mom. Perhaps she thought her old place would be more comfortable for the visit.
    I've not heard of the one arm up opposite leg up method. I bet corner time didn't last long. :)

  3. NOOOOO! Wow.
    We had an incident like that also but I had an attorney who was my MIL's legal guardian talk to the offenders [long story]. Some family members picked up MIL and took her out of state when she was being checked each day by nurses in her own apartment. They were not going to tell anyone else...but we found out!

    Had that occurred without everyone getting clued in they would have issued a Silver Alert.

  4. No wonder your girls turned out so well! I have spent some time facing corners, but just stood there or sat in a chair. Same for my kids.

  5. Hopefully these "wild escapades" will stop as I'm sure it is taking it's toll on you! I never heard of that punishment but it sounds like a great one!

  6. Glad to know your mom was found and was never really lost. I also never heard of that punishment, and I'm glad I wasn't ever learning how to balance like that! :-)

  7. Very stressful situation with your Mom. I have an elderly neighbor and her daughter always says, "She knows the rules (her mother)".

  8. Oh, no. I can imagine how upsetting this was for you. Yikes!

  9. She is experiencing her second childhood. hehe.... At least be grateful she is still in control of her mind and body for the most part. ( At least that is what it sounds like. ) I remember when I did something similar as a kid. Mom was ticked at me, but I was down the hill playing with my cousins all along. Just because she didn't know that shouldn't mean it was wrong.

  10. Not lost, just misplaced. They need cameras I guess. I am glad it all worked out. Your mom knew where she was.

  11. I hope someone explained to your cousin about the need to sign out folks so that everyone knows what is happening. It must have been a very frightening experience for you, but I am glad to hear it all turned out okay.

  12. I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that - I can only imagine! And sometimes we all need a good 'time out' no matter how old we may be.

    Have a good week! ❤

  13. Oh dear, that would scare me, and it's one of my biggest fears with Mom. She likes to go walk around the sidewalk around the building a couple of times a day. I know it's wonderful exercise for her, but with her altzheimers, I'm afraid she may wander down the wrong sidewalk sometime. Since it's independent living, she goes where she wants, no signing in or out. I've gone looking for her around the building several times and really had to search to find her.
    I've never heard of that punishment but it sounds like it would work. The worst punishment I did to my kids, according to them, was make them sit together on the couch and hold hands nicely when they had been fighting. They detested that.
    Blessings and hugs,

  14. Well....that's a new one....I never heard of the one arm and one leg up before.....can't quite picture that. Glad you found your mom!

  15. Fortunately your Mom was safe and came back to the proper place.

  16. How scary! But I'm glad she was not really lost.

  17. Oh dear! That would have been quite a scare! Glad it was all ok in the end.

  18. I guess I missed a couple of your posts. Glad Mom was found!
    Never heard of the arm/leg punishment. I guess it worked. :-)

  19. Well, at least my mom hasn’t pulled a disappearing act. Yet! Pretty scary for you and I hope she will remember next time to let you know.


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