Thursday, July 6, 2023

Noah, Sadie and a bear

 We got to see our oldest Grandson Noah on the 4th of July, he came over to join us for an evening meal.  He is busy at work and really likes his job. 

His dog Aurora was kinda happy to see us too.   She likes us a little...but not as much as Sadie! 

Sadie is enjoying the pool.  Andy built the deck near the pool.

Andy helps her get out of the pool. 

The pool area is fenced in...Sadie could jump the fence but so far she has not gone swimming unattended. 

Happy tired wet dog! 

On the way home we had a little excitement...we saw a very big BEAR running across the road.  Our first bear sighting of the summer.  ( It was near Zerkel MN) Just in case you think bears just stroll across the road...they can run really fast!

Far Side


  1. I used to have a couple of kiddie pools for the dogs. This is better! I have never seen a bear.

  2. Nice visits!
    Hope you don't have any bear visitors, though!

  3. I'm glad they can run fast as long as it AWAY!

  4. Wow - a bear sighting! That would have been exciting.

  5. We are not far from International Falls, MN on vacation right now. Loving the weather! The folks back home near Ottawa, Ontario are melting in the extreme heat. My mother in law sent me a photo of her thermometer registering 107.

  6. Dang it! No picture of the bear? Nice pool...did Andy build that? You have so much talent in your family. Glad Noah likes his job.

  7. That's a really nice deck that Andy built.
    We have seen bears run across the 6 lane Coquihalla Hwy. So far they've all made it safely across. That highway goes north and wildlife is often seen.

  8. Great that you got to see Noah. They all are growing up so much. I bet they get a lot of use of that pool on the hotter days. We see our neighbors in two directions of back yard filled with many screaming kids. They are having a wonderful time.

  9. Any time you can sight wildlife is a good thing even if it is a bear!
    Nothing like a happy wet dog as long as she doesn't shake on you! Nice deck.

  10. What a nice yard he has! And how cute how much the dog enjoys it.

    I would have been scared to death of the bear!!!

  11. Fun seeing Noah and Sadie....and hearing about the bear!

  12. Never having seen a bear in the wild (apart from on TV), I think that bear-sighting experience would have had me shaking in my boots :)

  13. I am catching up on reading blogs after a bit of a busy-ness break. You have been busy, too! New car, new great granddaughter, bears, flowers, nearly freezing temps, etc. I would like some of those as we have had record breaking heat so far this month.


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