Monday, July 10, 2023

Still Quiet

We had a nice phone visit with our Granddaughter Miss Paige, she started her new job last week...she says only 40 years to go!  She is getting into a daily routine ...I told her adulting is hard sometimes.   She is beginning to explore wedding ideas....dates...places.  

I watched a super funny movie on Netflix called Bridesmaids...funniest movie I have seen in a long time.  It was a movie made in I am a bit behind the times. 

No scrubbing happened on Sunday...just some laundry...and a bit of outside work. 

Far Guy is still feeling partly rotten.

Far Side  


  1. Sending some "get better" wishes to Far Guy.

  2. I watched that movie in a theater years ago. I found some of the humor to be a little lowbrow, but yes it was funny. Sending healing thoughts and vibes to FG.

  3. Hope FG begins to feel better. I agree - Bridesmaids was a very funny movie.

  4. I do hope Far Guy is feeling better soon. I'm sure the smoke from the fires isn't doing his health any good.

    I've heard of the movie, but never watched it so I guess I'm even further behind than you.

  5. Prayers FG feels better. Wedding planning can be so much fun. I look forward to hearing ALL about it! I am always 10-20 years behind in movies. I think that is probably best. I enjoy older books, too. I am currently re-reading my 1970's cozi mysteries.

  6. I think a funny movie might be in order. I can't remember if I have seen that one.

  7. Hope FarGuy starts feeling better. Sending prayers.
    Enjoy the quiet time. :)

  8. Never heard of that movie. I hope Far Guy starts to feel better.

  9. Sorry Far Guy is still not feeling well. Planning a wedding... such fun! I have to do my outside work early in the day as it is so hot here lately.

  10. Sometimes quiet is good. Hope Far Guy feels better soon.

  11. So Paige is getting married...when did I miss that? I sure hope Far Guy feels better soon. Are one of your appts this week with a doctor? I don't have Netflix but that movie sounds great! I love a good laugh!

  12. Bridesmaids definitely one of the best movies ever!

  13. At least Paige has a career not just a Walmart checker!

  14. Sorry Far Guy is under the weather. My wife has this horrid cough from all that is flying around in the air. A wedding will be fun.


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