Monday, July 24, 2023

Lunch and smoke

 Sunday afternoon we drove over to Laporte and had lunch with Savannah, Jen and Andy.  It was a good time to catch up on Savannah's recent travels and spend some time with her! 

She is as smiley and pretty as ever! 

The wildfire smoke has invaded our part of Minnesota again. 

Far Side


Sara said...

What a lovely young woman!

Take care breathing in that smoke again. We're expecting heat this week but I haven't heard any smoke warnings. We've gotten public service warnings for the past week about the annual algae bloom making our local lake unsafe for people or pets.

Rita said...

Always good to have family time. She looks so pretty!
Smoke again. I was wondering. They moved the outdoor furniture to my side of the building this summer and that is where people go to I have wondered some days if it is cigarettes or Canada. Harder to tell with a stuffy nose--lol! Probably both.

Maebeme said...

The smoke isn't good for anyone, but I imagine it is even worse for Far Guy. Sadly, it doesn't appear the fires will be easing any time soon.

Sounds like a nice time with Savannah.

Red said...

How many times have we had smoke this year?

Betsy said...

Savannah is beautiful! I'm glad you were able to spend time with her. I'm sorry about the smoke. We had it last week and it is miserable.
Blessings and hugs,
Betsy said...

Savannah is a beautiful gal. So sorry about the smoke! That can't be good for FG especially.

Galla Creek said...

We get that even in Arkansas. That’s a long way for it to drift but it gets here. Not like where you are though.

Jenn Jilks said...

Sorry about the smoke. Ours has lessened.

The Happy Whisk said...

Very pretty. Glad you had a good day out.

Val Ewing said...

Yikes, it looked like that but more brownish here yesterday morning. Blue smoke and orange skies.
