Sunday, July 9, 2023

Quiet Weekend

 More scrubbing of floors and some crocheting. 

The weather may have been 70 F or 21 C.   Cool for July in Minnesota...but I like it:) 

I finally got some watercolored/stamped cards done and off my desk.  I finished watching the 10 seasons of Bringing Up Bates...I have been watching it since last winter...back to Outlander I guess...maybe I should start Grey's Anatomy from the beginning.  Regular TV has nothing worth watching.  A movie I watched recently was Captain Phillips and I thought it was very good.

Far Guy is not feeling great so quiet is a good thing.  Our next two weeks are very busy with appointments, so it is rest while you can!

Far Side


  1. Have you ever considered watching programs online? There is a huge amount of available programs to enjoy! All you need to do is to join PBS. We contribute annually but I don’t know if that is necessary. Some of my favorites are: Seaside Hotel, Craft in America, Rebus. Give it a try!

  2. Your cards are always so pretty.

    Home is quiet for me too today. I'm home alone a good share of the day while the husband plays in a golf tournament. I'm going to enjoy a lovely cool sunshiny day - also rare here in SD in July.

  3. I agree that there is very little on regular TV worth watching. And sorry to hear FG is under the weather. Yes, quiet is good.

  4. Your cards are beautiful. What a gift you have! It's great to have an outlet for your artwork, right?

  5. Your cards are stunning. I hope Far Guy feels better tomorrow

  6. Lovely cards. I'm sorry FG isn't feeling well.

  7. Pretty cards! My niece from MN will be here today and tomorrow: it will be a short but fun visit. After her visit, my week is full of appointments.

  8. I stream Tubi which is free and has lots of British tv series (comedy, drama, etc) that I have never seen.

    Love the cards! We are in the 70's today, too and it is wonderful. Take care.

  9. I like cooler weather too. Quiet is good, especially when not feeling well. Hope FG feels better soon!

  10. I sure hope FG gets feeling better soon.
    You are like us - - when nothing is on the calendar, we enjoy the quiet because too many appointments can end up on the calendar consecutively.
    Are the white spots on the beautiful cards - - just white or some sort of sparkle? They look like the latter.

  11. It really has been cooler...and was appreciated. We're back into the 80s again today.
    Such pretty cards, as usual. Even pretty colored envelopes!
    I haven't watched bringing up Bates--but 19 kids!? OMGsh! I might have to peek at that. I have seen Captain Phillips. I'll watch anything Tom Hanks is in.
    Sorry FarGuy isn't feeling great. I hope the quiet time will help. Good luck with all the appointments ahead.

  12. Cooler weather is very welcome. Sorry about Far Guy not feeling great. I hope he recoups soon.

  13. Could you send some of that cool weather down this way? It has been so hot but is a tad cooler today. I just don't do summertime well.

  14. Your cards are lovely as always. It rained her yesterday afternoon and today and it has really cooled off. I just watch podcasts and news mostly. So sorry to hear Far Guy isn't feeling well. I hope the rest and quiet does him good. I've started taking "power naps" in my chair in the afternoon. I get up at 4:00 a.m. so it gets me to the end of the day.

  15. Love your cards and agree…regular tv is not watchable!

  16. Love the Lady Slipper cards.
    We are enjoying mostly suny days with a high in the 70's, Perfect summer weather. Jake's coming over for dinner and to help pick raspberries. They are coming on fast now.

  17. The cards are wonderful. I expect to see flower shots of the real thing soon. A quiet day is a good way to rebuild from a busy life. Take care, both of you.

  18. I wish t was cooler here. we should get some relief tomorrow.

  19. Sure hope Far Guy is feeling better soon. I love the cards you pretty.

  20. Hope Far Guy feels better real soon. Wedding planning can be fun. I think Andee and Todd were both pretty exhausted by the time Madison and Hunter were married. Sure is exciting though.

  21. Love your cards! Sorry Far Guy is feeling poorly, hope he feels better soon. Quiet is good sometimes... take care.

  22. Your artwork is always so amazing! These cards are especially beautiful! I'm sure sorry to learn that Far Guy isn't feeling well. We will add him to our prayer list. I watched Grey's Anatomy at DIL's house several years ago when she had it on while I was over. Not really what I would watch normally, but some episodes were interesting... mainly because I find medical stuff intriguing... probably comes from caring for Jerry all these years. Blessings to you, Connie!


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