Wednesday, July 12, 2023

It is what it is

 My husband says I use that phrase too much.  I usually just roll my eyes or shrug my shoulders. 

Far Guy is feeling a tad bit better...not much...but a little. 

My Mom decided that she is not strong enough to go back to her apartment so she will become a Nursing Home resident.   It will be much safer and easier for her there.  She has asked for a larger room so she can set up her sewing machine in her room.  We will move a bunch of things to make her room more like home in the near future. 

I went to visit Mom to see how she was doing after her big decision...and she was okay. 

It is what it is...

Far Side


  1. Those flowers are gorgrous! And I get 'it is what it is'. We used to use it all of the time and to me it is the same as a huge sigh.


    Your mom's decision sounds like a good one. Having a sewing machine to keep her busy might be just what she needs! Hopefully that will help her adjust.

  2. Those tiger lilies are beautiful. Karen

  3. I'm glad she decided to stay, where she will be well taken care of and looked after. And I do hope FG continues to improve.

  4. Your mom must have been thinking about this decision for awhile. Hopefully the transition will be smooth for her

  5. Bless your mom for reaching that decision on her own and not having her children make it for her.
    I hope Far Guy improves soon.

  6. Love the Tiger Lilies. At least your mother made this hard decision. You did not have to make it. Hope you can get her room all nice and homey. Glad Far Guy is a little better.

  7. Yes, it is. That your Mom made this decision herself is good.

  8. I say that a lot also. Momma would say: "Everything works out for the best if you would just let it".

  9. Ha - I use that phrase all the time!

    Sending lots of good vibes to both Far Guy and your mother!

    The lilies are so pretty - I need some of those for my garden!

  10. I respect your mom's decision. I'm glad it was her decision and she has ownership of it. I am sure she was scared of being on her own in assisted living and she will have extra support in the nursing home. It sounds like she wants to make her room her own.

    Very happy for small improvements for FG.

  11. It’s tough to make decisions like that. I’m glad your Mom realizes it’s for the best.

  12. I suspect your mom has been thinking about her choice for awhile. While it's not what anyone wants, it is good she understands her own needs enough to make it.

    The lilies are simply beautiful!

  13. It amazes me that your Mom still sews!! I hope she'll be happy in her new room with more of her familiar things around.
    My Tiger Lily is full of buds but none open yet. Yours is stunning.

  14. I'm so glad your mom made the decision on her own and already has plans for making her room her own. Plus, now you all know (and she knows) she is looked after round the clock basically. Good all around for everybody.

    Love tiger lilies! My dad loved them and, growing up, he always had them all along one side of the house. Those are beautiful!

  15. "It is what it is" was a favorite expression of one of my husband's cousins and it does have its uses. Pretty lillies. As for your Mom - I can be happy that she is accepting of the nursing home and her need for it and is trying to make the best of it. I hope Far Guy continues to recover. It's quite possible to have COVID and not test positive on a home test, for whatever it is worth. I know a couple of people that happened to that ended up testing at their doctors and testing positive.

  16. As others have said, it's good that your mother could make that decision for herself.

  17. I like the term "It is what it is" except if it's used too often. Your family has made the right decision for your Mom.

  18. I think this sounds like a good plan and it sounds like she was the one to make it. I'm glad she wants to take her sewing machine. Maybe having a big decision behind her will help her redirect her energy somewhere positive. Stress is exhausting.

  19. Get well Far Guy! Change never is easy, sending positives vibes~

  20. I would guess that your mom knows what she can handle and what she can't. Hopefully she can get into a bigger room and you can make it more homey for her. When my mom went into a nursing home she was in a room with 3 beds and she was in the middle bed. Awful! Eventually she got moved.

  21. I agree and will repeat what others have said - - that it is good she was able to make the decision. It sounds like it will help her physically and emotionally to make this move. Praising God she is not bedridden and can do some things she enjoys. Praying FG makes lots of progress between tonight and tomorrow. Your tiger lilies - - do you fertilze or mulch them? You have a beautiful abundance!

  22. That is a phrase I use pretty often too... because, you know, it is what it is! Glad your mom made the decision to live in the nursing home. It will be safer for her and she will be watched. My husband's family had to make the decision for his mom and she was not happy about it, which made the move difficult for everyone. But she could no longer live on her own. It sounds like your mom is going to keep herself busy sewing. Your lilies are gorgeous. Mine are just plain with no spots... I like yours better! Have a good week.


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