Saturday, February 4, 2023

Photo Project

 I am making progress on my photo project and the past week I picked out photos from 2012 and 2013.  Progress.   I order them online and pick them up on Thursday when I am out and about. 

I usually choose group photos of the five Grands and other photos that make me smile, or a fun memory.  I discovered that I was not great at taking birthday photos.

I mark the date on the back of the photo and then sort them out for each Grand and put them in the album. 

Each Grand has a different color album. 

2012 Maddie and Noah shaking up cans of soda and getting sticky...they did catch some soda in their mouths but mostly just laughed!  Grape Soda...this photo will appear in both Noah and Maddie's album. 

Far Side


  1. I think the best photos are ones like these where no one is posing and they are doing something fun.

    My father always said candid photos were so much better than any other photo of people.

  2. Thank goodness for showers, eh? I mean the non-grape soda kind. :-)

  3. That is a fun photo! It's one their children will enjoy to see as well.
    What a special project.

  4. Connie, what do you use to mark on the back of the photos?

  5. Looking at this photo, then realizing they are now adults, time does by fast.

  6. Sallysmom I use a pencil from Creative Memories it is a Generals Scribe All All surface pencil #1251 Black

  7. That would make one mess...maybe not messier than doing the same thing inside and hitting the ceiling! Guess who and his pals who did that one. We're lucky that there are no pictures.

  8. I need to be more proactive doing things like this.

  9. It is hard to know sometimes what to do with all the photos we accumulate. I think this album-for-a-grandie is a great idea :)

  10. Great idea! Those albums will be cherished put together by you!

  11. I've done that, but I didn't choose different colours for each. That would have been helpful. I also made one for each of my kids but now one is missing and although I'm fairly sure it must be in this house I cannot find it.

  12. I wondered what your album process was. So you have new prints made. Sounds like a good way to go. I just have two grands and their mother has kept albums.
    I haven't printed any photos for years now. Everything's digital.

  13. I like the casual photos where people aren't posing the best. You have such a great idea for the grands! They will treasure these. :)

  14. These are the photos that are worth keeping. Not staged... Just crazy day to day stuff the kids and family does when they get together. Fun times. Half the fun is trying to figure out what is happening in the photo. And that allows people to tell the story.

  15. That is such a good idea. 2012 seems like yesterday. I can't believe Maddie and Noah were just kids playing. Wish we could slow time just a little.

  16. That photo is the best! We can FEEL the memories!!

  17. Cute Photo. Sounds like you're making good progress on that Photo Project of yours!

  18. Your grands will treasure these albums always! What a beautiful gift.

  19. It is a fun photo. I enjoyed seeing cousins having a good time together.


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