Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Crochet and Flu Report

 I finished the section that is called Baubles.  I would call them ornaments.   It was part 7 of 9. 

Now I am working on part 8...called Dala Horse.  It has 31 rows...I debated if I wanted horses in my blanket and decided to just go with the flow and stick to the designers pattern.  I will slog through the pattern row by row.  

Andy got the stomach flu over the weekend.  He is feeling better after a couple of days and is back to work.  Far Guy and I have escaped it so far.  Knock on wood or what ever  good luck charm may work. 

Far Side


Maebeme said...

I'm working on a sweater right now (knitting) and I'm feeling the same way. It's not a difficult pattern with color changes - it's just seems to be a weirdly written pattern and I'm having to check and double check the rows are I work on the top portion. I've even submitted a question to the company because the instructions in the final rows seems off to me. Hopefully I get an answer.
Glad Andy is feeling better, and I will knock wood that you and Far Guy don't fall ill.

Ed said...

The flu seems to have passed by here a couple months ago. We had our flu shots so were unaffected but many around us, some with the shots, got it. I don't miss those days before flu shots were a thing and getting the flu was a given.

Rita said...

Been really interesting patterns. Can hardly wait to see the dala horse section.
Fingers crossed and knock on wood!!

Terry and Linda said...

Your work is always beautiful! I hope you miss the horrible flu!!!

Tired Teacher 2 said...

That blanket is gorgeous! I’d call the last section “ornaments” too. Stay well.

Miss Merry said...

Crossing my fingers and toes for you! My daughter is a 4th grade teacher and said the students in her classroom are all coughing and hacking with a respiratory virus. Across the hall they are racing to the restrooms with a stomach virus. She is glad for her stash of wipes and disinfectant. She even keeps her own hand sanitizer (for her hands only) in her desk drawer.

At Home In New Zealand said...

I like the bauble design. Hope the horses turn out to be as nice :)

Sandra said...

Of course you want horses on your blanket! Here's hoping you two avoid the flu.

Linda Reeder said...

I will be excited to see the Dala horses. They are meaningful to me. We visited the Dala Horse factory when we were in Sweden, and that area is ancestral to both Tom's and my families.

Galla Creek said...

Hope you don’t get this. Maybe what Ada had. It lasted a week.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

I'm loving watching this one grow! It's so pretty in the red and white.

Debby @ From My House to Yours said...

So far so good for us. The last time I have gotten sick was over a year ago when I had Covid. No flu, no covid not even a cold since.

However, I have daily aches and pains and such...No rest for the weary I guess. said...

You're almost done! Do you do a border that encloses all the ends? I love dala horses...well...I love horses period. Glad Andy is on the mend and I pray that you and Far Guy don't catch it.

L. D. said...

That is too bad about the flu. You may be vaccinated up enough to keep it away. You said you would slog through row by row and when I first saw it my eyes saw sing through row by row.

DJan said...

I like those ornaments, too. And I look forward to seeing the horses! :-)

diane in northern wis said...

Love what you're working on....those ornaments are beautiful. I'm praying that neither you nor far guy will get the darned flu. Praying we don't get it either, since it's flying around out there!

Sara said...

Hope you continue to escape that flu bug. I think your blanket is going to be stunning.

Granny Marigold said...

I hope you both stay well.

Dawn said...

That looks hard! I'm glad you two have so far avoided the flu!

Gemma's person said...

Ward of the flu however works and stomach bug and anything else.