Thursday, February 23, 2023

Miserably cold

 Activity for last evening...warm a rice bag, put on your warmest nightgown and a pair of socks, climb into bed ...flannel sheets are your bestest wintertime TV. 

The wind is just raw...the windchills are -45 F roads are closed to travel in parts of North Dakota. 

I believe this is Bad Medicine Lake in Minnesota a few years ago. 

I ordered the photos for the Grandchildren's photo albums for 2017 and 2018.  So I am making progress on that project! 

Stay warm!  

Far Side


Rita said...

Yes--stay warm! Another blizzard night here, too, with frigid temps and high winds. But a lot of places have it even worse. Snuggle in!!

Val Ewing said...

This storm is petty wild. We are doing pretty good because we can stay off the roads.

Space heaters are saving the day.
My son lives near Kenosha WI and they lost all power due to the ice storm. He is grateful he has a fireplace.


Sallysmom said...

Do you put the same pics in each album?

Sara said...

The snow has finally quit here in SD, but now that big job of digging out begins. And our furnace isn't working this morning. It won't take long for the house to get cold as it's 3 below zero outside. Hope it's not a big fix as our furnace is only a couple of years old.

Far Side of Fifty said...

sallysmom, Each album is different because each Grand has different activities and friends. The in common photos are group photos:)

Galla Creek said...

I’d say your weather sounds like “hell” but that’s not correct verbiage.
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

aurora said...


Tired Teacher 2 said...

Flannel sheets are cozy and warm. It’s well below zero this morning and even colder with windchill. I wish I didn’t have to go out this afternoon, but I have a commitment.

Betsy said...

Brrr! It's cold here too, but not that cold! Only a "Feel's like" of -19F. Our furnance has come on for the first time in over six weeks. Usually we're insulated very well by the apartments above, below and on either side of us. We haven't had an electric bill since we moved in October. We're still usiing the credit we had from the house! It's almost used up though and we'll have to start paying. But, we KNOW it's cold when our furnance runs.
Stay warm!
Blessings and hugs,

Red said...

Some times the only thing one can do is climb into warm bed.

Linda Reeder said...

We think it's too cold at 25 degrees this morning. Your cold is just too brutal! Be safe.

Maebeme said...

Yes, it was miserable here the last couple of nights. It's warmed up some today and warmer still forecast for the weekend.

Those albums will be a treasure for your grands.

Sandra said...

It's cold and blowing here, but not THAT cold! We got a lot of snow, good thing we don't need to go anywhere.

Leah said...

Yes this is some snowy/cold weather lasting a few days. We have been busy, happy the first couple of days this week were not bad here. Are you ordering pictures online and then picking up or using a company that mails them to you?
Stay warm!

At Home In New Zealand said...

I cannot even begin to imagine how cold that must be. I do hope you all manage to stay warm and cosy as you wait out the storm. Take care, Mxx

Henny Penny said...

I can actually feel the cold in that picture. So hard to believe. Dan turned the air conditioner on today. It got up to 80 degrees. Not good for the trees, especially fruit trees. Take care and stay warm.

Alana said...

Oh, stay warm. I have one of those rice bags but I've never used it for quite that purpose. We've had such a mild winter in New York but you have been slammed. I hope you don't have to go anywhere!

Debi said...

Our weather is insane... one day it's sunny and in the forties and the next we get six inches of snow! I agree that flannel sheets are a winter necessity if you live where winter is windy, cold and snowy!

L. D. said...

I thought 19° F. was too cold so I will stop complaining. I heat up a medical pack each night to heat my back up as I go to bed.

Granny Marigold said...

You might benefit from an electric blanket!! I've forgotten how cold the prairies can get.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Leah I order them online from Walmart and then pick them up on Thursday when I do errands:)

Debby @ From My House to Yours said...

Yikes, that is cold. I would imagine it will be over soon...just a few more weeks? Try not to freeze, my friend.

diane in northern wis said...

Hopefully you're staying toasty warm inside the house there! Our snow has stopped and now it's cold but not as cold as where you are. Thank goodness we didn't get as much snow as they were predicting. I think the mail etc. will be moving again tomorrow. Take good care.

Shirley said...

We are currently at -30 C (-22F) and that is plenty cold enough thank you very much! Thankful we don't have wind with it.

Anonymous said...

I miss getting Far Side of Fifty as an email. Every now and then it dawns on me that I have to search for your blog. Very glad to see you are okay frigid up and over there but good.

Love your mosaic crochet. I hope to one day do those little purses.
Roz M.