Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Happy Birthday!

 Far Guy is another year older today. 

Happy Birthday! 

He hasn't changed much in the past year but Sadie sure has!  They are good friends.

Last years birthday photo.

Far Side


Sallysmom said...

Happiest of birthdays to Far Guy. Hope your day & coming year is the beat ever.

linda m said...

Happy Birthday, Far Guy!!

Lynda said...

Great pictures of them each year! We will look forward to hear about his celebration. Happy, happy Birthday to him!

Maebeme said...

Happy Birthday to Far Guy! Wishing him many more successful trips around the sun.

DJan said...

Happy birthday, FG! And I like the comparison of those two photos. Sadie is growing like a weed!

Betsy said...

Happy Birthday Far Guy! I hope it's a wonderful one, full of good food, cake and lots of doggy kisses from Little Elvis and Sadie.
Sadie has definitely changed. She is a beautiful girl.
Blessings and love,

aurora said...

Happy Birthday to your Far Guy!!

Jenn Jilks said...

Happy birthday to him!

Red said...

Happy birthday to Far Guy. I wish him another wonderful year.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Have a fabulous day, Far Guy!

Sandra said...

Happy Birthday, Far Guy!

Wendy said...

Happy Birthday, Far Guy! Sadie has sure grown into a beautiful girl!

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Happy Birthday to Far Guy!

Terry and Linda said...

Happy Birthday, Far Guy!

Terra said...

Happy birthday Far Guy. Sadie is all grown up in one year.

Henny Penny said...

Happy Birthday to far Guy!! He hasn't changed but Sadie has grown up. She sure is pretty.

Jan said...

Happy Birthday to Far Guy! said...

Happy Birthday Far Guy!!! I hope you have a wonderful day and a wonderful year ahead. Yes, Sadie has changed a lot!

Alana said...

My word, has Sadie grown! Happy birthday, Far Guy!

Linda Reeder said...

Happy Birthday, FG. Sadie is more than a lap full now.

Debby @ From My House to Yours said...

Happy birthday to the Far Guy!

Galla Creek said...

Far Guy looks great.. Happy Birthday.

Granny Marigold said...

Happy Birthday, Far Guy. Sadie has sure gotten big!!

Miss Merry said...

The Birthday Boy is looking good!!! He looks the same age as last year, that's for sure.

Hope you all had a wonderful day.

diane in northern wis said...

Aww....Happy Birthday Far Guy. You're lookin' Good! Hope your sweetie made you a delish Birthday Cake!

Shirley said...

Belated happy birthday!

Rita said...

Happy birthday! Sadie is the one who has aged--lol! ;)

L. D. said...

Happy Birthday Far Guy. I hope it was a great day.