Thursday, February 16, 2023

Day after

 We are birthday and valentined out.   I took Far Guy out for supper on his birthday, he had a Clucker ( Chicken with cheese and bacon) and I had a plain old burger just the way I like them nothing else touching my meat and bun.   Far Guy said he had a good day and 73 seems older than 72 or at a minimum sounds older!  He says "Thanks for all the birthday wishes!"

After supper on Valentine Day...Andy cooked...Philly Cheese Nachos... we took Valentines to the little kids. 

Now back to our normal scheduled activities.  Onward and forward to another year! 

I finally got the tax info in the mail to the I can cross something off my list! 

Far Side


DJan said...

We see an AARP person to do our taxes next week. And I get my hearing aids on Wednesday! :-)

Sara said...

Happy belated birthday to FG! I think he looks just fine for 73. I had to chuckle at your "naked" cheeseburger. That is exactly how my twin grandkids want their cheeseburgers too.

Betsy said...

I've never heard of a clucker! Sounds good though. I love the smiling faces of the little ones with their Valentines. In my humble opinion kids are the joy in life.
We heard back from our accountant yesterday. Boy, oh boy. When you haven't paid state income tax for 30 years, (Washington doesn't have a state income tax), it is a shocker to hear what we have to pay. Especially considering Dennis retired at the end of April! We were told that Nebraska wsa a great place to retire in, but we sure haven't seen that yet. Yikes!
Blessings and hugs,

Maebeme said...

Those little faces are so sweet.

Valentine's Day seems to be a big thing in my grandson's school. Lots of cards and treats came home yesterday. (He's in kindergarten, Monday/Wednesday and every second Friday). said...

So glad Far Guy had a good birthday. You guys are still younger than me but not by much. Your great grands are so precious! I still won't eat any of those things but they sure sound good!

Val Ewing said...

Happy Birthday FG!

Burgers will probably be on the menu for my guy's birthday in April.

Sounds like a good day.

Sandra said...

Those kiddos are so cute! You have been busy.

Susan Zarzycki said...

A Clucker! What a hoot! I turned 73 in January but when I look in the mirror I look much older…white flyaway hair in a bun and bags under my eyes! I feel this year, after the pandemic, should be the year I take myself in hand. Regardless of how the outside looks, inside I feel happy and blessed. I do hope FG has a good 2023.💖

Red said...

Lots of fun with an important birthday and little kids excited about Valentines.

Cynthia said...

Cute kiddos! Ack, taxes! I think I’ll wait a month before I dive into those. Someone hacked my PayPal account and we’ve been dealing with that. Don’t have the strength to tackle much else for a while.

Linda Reeder said...

I'm glad you had such happy family time!
I do my taxes with TurboTax but I had to hold up because I am still waiting for some tax documents from one of our investment companies.

Rita said...

The kids looks so excited and happy!!
Every year I am amazed I am still here--LOL!
Happy birthday to your sweetie pie! :)

Jenn Jilks said...

Such fun! And a happy time for all.
We are still gathering stuff for our taxes. sigh.

L. D. said...

Yes my 73 number is coming soon. I guess I can feel my age every morning and be glad that I can do some things again. The great grands are so cute. Pasta and meatballs for supper. I have to eat more meat than pasta but the sauce tastes so good.

Debby @ From My House to Yours said...

My husband did our taxes the other day. I'm so glad that is done. I never heard of a clucker before - Glad Mr. Far Guy had a good birthday.

Granny Marigold said...

The little ones look quite pleased with their valentines.

diane in northern wis said...

Sounds like you had great Valentine and Birthday celebrations! Good for you guys. I love to check in on your blog to see what's happening!

Victoria Zigler said...

Belated happy birthday to Far Guy.