Thursday, November 18, 2021

Snowy Windy Day

 It was snowing and blowing around...the wind was moving the tops of the Oak trees and an occasional snownado came through the yard ( tornado shape wind picking up snow). The wind chill was near zero so it was  a tad chilly out there. 

Yup sure enough there was a ground blizzard happening out there. 

We went for a ride in the woods down to the river.  Far Guy said "It might be an adventure! "   We made it there and back safely. 

No sun now for days...typical November days ...cloudy and dreary...we use our special light most mornings when we are reading emails and news.

Far Side


  1. The SAD light really helps.
    Dang! We didn't have anything like that here but it was cold and blustery yesterday. Lucky for me I can walk down into the valley and enjoy no winds.
    Looks like you had a great adventure too.

  2. Oh, the trail looks so inviting! How cozy to go out in your ranger through the woods to grandmother's house you go! I think that Ranger was a great investment!

  3. It looks so pretty. But I am glad the snow is at your house and not mine, haha! I wouldn't mind snow if it only snowed on the grass and not the roads and sidewalks - never happen tho. Stay safe and warm.

  4. Oooooooh Connie, that sure is a whole lot of snow for just being November. Ugggghhhh!! It sure is purdy though, most definitely!!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  5. We've rain and freezing rain on the way!

  6. Brrrr! I admire your fortitude to brave the elements for your adventure! Glad you are home safe and sound and warm!!

  7. Snownados! That's what I get out on the lawn every winter here. Makes for crazy snowdrifts.

  8. Looks much like it does here. Wonderful you were able to get out and enjoy a ride in the woods.

  9. Frosty!!!
    Our snow melted by the next morning, and it was up to 15 Celsius yesterday. Today is supposed to be 11 Celsius

  10. I am sorry to miss the snowy adventures, and the winter sports (skiing, sledding, ice skating, etc), but I am still thankful to live in a milder climate!

  11. I feel like I'm looking at a foreign world seeing your snow pictures. I'm glad that I'm a bit further south. I'm not ready for snow but I did enjoy our first fireplace fire of the season last weekend.

  12. I’ve been using my light as well. It came out immediately after the time change. Stay warm - Winter’s here!

  13. That is a pretty picture of the trail you and Far Guy took to the river. It does look cold though.
    Yesterday was cloudy and dreary but today is bright blue sky and COLD. I took Piper's new hat and mittens out to their house after my mammogram this morning so she will have them for the walk to school tomorrow. I came home with an extra puppy! The girls are having fun wrestling right beside me on the floor. I love puppies!

  14. It looks like winter has definitely set in for you. I love the picture on the trail. It sounds like Ranger Blue is taking good care of you!

  15. It looks like "real" winter there. We currently have the cold and the wind, but the lawn is still green. But I guess I won't whine too much about no snow because the roads are not icy.

  16. Wind makes things very uncomfortable. We don't have snow but we have had the wind so guess where your wind came from?

  17. Oh, I can't imagine it being that cold and snowy there. We have 73 degrees and sun today, with lots of wind. I actually raked leaves for three hours. It felt so good! Of course, the ground where I raked is covered again. :)

  18. It's snowing, windy and cold here too, though our 'snowy" is way less than yours! I received the ornament you sent yesterday, it's so cute, thank you so much! I gave Katie a hug from you. She says she's sending hugs back.

  19. Good idea using that special light! Love your snowy pictures! Take good care!

  20. What a great trail! I'm glad you are enjoying your "unit"!

  21. Glad your "adventure" wasn't too adventurous!
    Keep safe and stay warm :) xx

  22. Have ranger will travel. Best done in inclement weather with an "oops we got stuck" plan. If needed, no doubt one of your brothers would come to your rescue. I bet it feels great to get out for an adventure!!

  23. You should share that snow. I want some!

  24. That is bad weather for sure. I am glad you can venture out but be careful for sure.


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