Saturday, November 13, 2021


 It is white here and more white stuff is supposed to join this white stuff.  We have had snow before but it melted, so this is the first snow of the season that has stayed on the ground.

It was a rough day Friday with the after effects of the 3rd shot; headache, joint aches, chills and being tired.   I hope today is better..if not I will resume my spot on the couch watching and sleeping through Norsemen on Netflix.

Far Guy is taking good care of me. 

My baby brother came over and shoveled the walk. 

Far Side


  1. There is always something special about those first snow falls of the year. And, I have thought I was ready for winter, but I am finding that maybe I am not. But I hope that when you're reading this, you are feeling much, much better! Take care, my blogging friend!

  2. Oh no! I hope you do feel better rather quickly. However kudos to you for going through this booster shot and the after effects. You are brave! Mine only gave me a sore arm.
    I hope we get some nice snow tonight. I know...I like it .. you? Not so much! Feel better!

  3. Hope you feel better as the day progresses.

  4. I'm sorry you have rough side effects. But I am grateful that you are protected.

    I live in a neighborhood of covidiots. At this late stage of the game, we have a 34 year old neighbor right next door who had covid last week and passed it to his 14 year old and five year old this week (they had to miss this whole week of school). She works for the post office and has gone to work mask less every day. There is also a six month old baby in the house who was hospitalized a few months ago (even transferred to a larger hospital) for RSV.

    We have another unvaccinated neighbor lady in her 40's in the cul de sac behind us that has been home with covid all day too. She manages the service desk at our car dealership and is very anti-vaccination and anti-mask which is why we purchased our new car and truck in a neighboring town. She sticks to home all day, but we see her leave after her husband goes to work at night - probably infecting fast food workers with this fake disease.

  5. I am so sorry you're not well! My 2nd shot set me back. I guess I should remember your side effects when I get my booster. It's still better than COVID!
    Take good care! Hugs from here.

  6. I was so hoping your reaction to the booster would be lessened. So sorry you're not feeling well, and I hope the reaction is short-lived.

    Our snow is also here to stay, I think.

  7. Awwww Connie, I hope you feel better soon from that doggone booster shot. At least you're getting it over with for the holidays. The sticking snow doesn't help much, I'm sure. May you have some melting-snow-days before the white stuff sticks & stays. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  8. You have some good guys there - taking care of you and the chores. Hopefully you will feel back to normal following a relaxing weekend. My husband has similar reactions to every shot he has gotten the past few years: flue shot, shingles vaccines, Covid vaccines. And luckily I rarely have anything other than a sore spot on my arm. Strange how differently we react.

  9. We had snow yesterday too but it didn't accumulate. Cold though, and high winds. Today is better with just a few clouds. Dennis drove up near Sioux City today to help hang drywall at the church camp with a few guys from church. All vaccinated, thank goodness.
    Your booster after effects sound identical to mine. I was blah for about 2 days afterward with a sore arm for about a week. I hope you are feeling better very soon. Kudos for getting vaccinated, even knowing you would probably feel icky.
    Blessings and big hugs,

  10. It's Nov 13 and time for snow.

  11. You rest! Getting well is your only priority!!!

  12. I hope you are feeling much better!

  13. Oops ... this is actually the first snow I see for the coming winter season. Yes, that's early because it will stay a long time, I think.
    Last winter we had exactly 4 weeks here with us - snow for skiing, straight out of the house ... maybe you can imagine that I was happy.
    Well I can imagine you are not looking forward to snow 4 months maybe. That is much.
    Be hugged. I wish you a good time and send greetings to you. Viola
    Thanks for pikture.

  14. p.s. all best wishes, may you be well again quickly. When I had my second vaccination, I wasn't doing well for a few days either.

  15. I'm sorry you are feeling bad. I hope it does not last long for you and you are able to take it easy until better. I'm sure Far Guy is taking good care of you. I had some side effects from my booster but most of them were the same evening that I got the shot. I had not expected it that soon but we are all different.

    So far we have only had snow flurries. Your snow is pretty but I imagine you were not in any hurry for it to arrive. Your brother is so sweet to help out. Feel better fast!

  16. I hope you recover quickly from the side effects of the shot!

  17. If it snowed here I would be shocked
    I do like photos of snow

  18. I hope you feel better soon. Good thing Far Guy is taking good care of you.

  19. I'm sorry you had side effects with shot #3. Hope today is better.

  20. I hope you'll be over the effects soon. I kind of wish I had something from mine, just to know that it worked. Old people don't always make good immune responses. I got my third shot and only had a sore arm.

  21. Oh my have more snow than we do....ours isn't sticking...yet! Hope you feel much better soon!

  22. The shots are the pits. We haven't gotten our third one yet. It isn't offered in our brand. The couch is a perfect place for recouping.

  23. It snowed in New Ulm at my old college. The guys had to play the football game in the snow... they won! Must be a better team than when I went there.

  24. Those are the exact same side effects I had from the shot. I hope you feel better soon. The snow looks pretty. No more mowing or mulching for awhile.

  25. Sorry you had a bad time after the shot.


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