Friday, November 26, 2021

Making Progress

 I finally saved all the photographs on my old computer, photos were copied to flash drives and the  HP Simple Saves were wiped clean.  Simple Saves are awesome if you use Windows.  They are not compatible with a Mac. 

Kind of bittersweet as I had that old Windows 7  Desktop since 2011 and it had great photo editing software! AND it still worked a bit slow but it worked...they no longer did updates to Windows 7 so the writing was on the wall. ... the hard drive will be smashed and the rest recycled.  I did run into some great photos...they still need to be organized...a good project for the winter!  I may even order some prints over the winter.  Added bonus is the table that computer sat on is now all cleaned area looks less cluttered!

I have been busy with lots of projects.   I am finishing up a Christmas gift and spent some time upstairs organizing thing leads to another to another.

130 Christmas Cards were mailed.  One last ornament was mailed to someone special!  

Here is part five of my afghan. 

I am still waiting for the yarn for the Winter Wonderland afghan to get here.  It is being held hostage in West Fargo ND, I finally had the Post Office nice gal that has a working brain track it down as it has been in West Fargo for eight days.  In the meantime I began working on part six of the afghan pictured.   It has one more part and then the border. 

My fever blisters( from the fever I had after the Covid Shot) are just about healed up.  That is a relief! 

We had a quiet Thanksgiving Day. 

Far Side


  1. If you really want to have fun with your photos use an on line publisher like Blurb, Shutterfly or one of the other easier to use formats. I generally take my favorite shots from the year and try to make a yearbook with labels and a tiny thought on any special photo.

    I print it and keep it as a nice photo album that I organized on line. I have even used Walmart to make small photo book albums.
    All worked very well and this way I can browse my favorite photos at any time.

    Anyway, just a suggestion.
    The afghan looks amazing!

  2. Glad to hear you successfully got all your pictures onto the new software. And that pretty afghan is simply joyful to look at. Hope you get your yarn soon!

  3. Glad to hear the fever blisters are healing up. Love the new afghan; it is so colorful. Hope your yarn shows up one of these days. Our Thanksgiving was quiet one also. We had our grandson over - he has quite the appetite.

  4. Gosh, you have been productive! And I am in love with your afghan! Online photo organization is on my bucket list!!

  5. I am still limping along with my beloved 7 computer and excellent photoshop that is no longer available. I have a new computer, but I don't enjoy using it, but yes, the writing is on the wall :-(. Beautiful afghan!

  6. Your afghan is beautiful! Which CAL are you doing?

  7. Your work is so neat, it looks as though the afghan is woven rather than crocheted. I wish I had half your talent with the hook.

  8. I wish I had the et up and go to clean up a few things.

  9. Connie, that afghan is killer!!! I absolutely adore it!!! You are so talented with yarn... and many other things!!! I've loved seeing the progress on it. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  10. Your afghan is gorgeous! Alana

  11. Such a beautiful agfhan...........
    Ihave saved a heap of photos to flash drives and external hard drives

  12. I love your work! You are very, very talented, My Friend

  13. I was unhappy when I had to give up my Windows 7 photo editing too. New and improved is not always better.

  14. Beautiful afghan! Everything your fingers touch, turns out beautiful! I think your heart touches those things too!

  15. That afghan is just beautiful!
    Glad you are healing up. :)

  16. Love the parcel being held hostage! I have one sitting in Auckland (about two hours' drive away) and they reckon it will take ten business days to reach me!
    Organizing photos takes so much time, but you will probably enjoy it. All those old memories to ponder over and look back on in wonder. I have thousands of photos, some are organized but most are not. Like you say, it could be a good winter project :)

  17. I'm glad those fever blisters are healing. How miserable! It's a big pain in the * to switch computers and even worse switching operating systems. My new work laptop was delivered this week, and I got everything set up easily except my printer. We have 2 wi-fi networks at our house (ridiculous!), and I finally figured out that my printer was on the "other" network. My husband works in telecom engineering, hence the 2 networks. Grrr!

  18. Glad you're making great progress with projects. Hope the yarn hostage situation is resolved soon. LOL! Also, glad the fever blisters are almost gone, and you enjoyed your Thanksgiving.

  19. Beautiful afghan!! You sure know how to keep busy. 130 cards made and mailed, wow! I am ahead of my usual, as in card is planned and I have paper lol. My next step is to jazz up the photo and get the pics printed. Guess I should get on with that! Glad your blisters are just about a thing of the past.


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